Friday, September 4, 2009

You can't find God through a hardened heart

So many people try to understand God in all the wrong places. I’ve debated with many people who argue that they reject Jesus Christ because they claim certain factoids or scientific theory. They mention things like the written word, they mention historical gossip, they mention zeitgeist, they mention the personal history of apostles, they mention the history of Rome. All the while they refuse to realize that none of these will ever give them a personal relationship or closer understanding of God. The most tragic concept of it all is that some of them could gain an understanding of God, but they stubbornly just want to stay in mediocrity because it’s all they knew. Other times they simply openly reject the truth because they don’t want to let go of the world. The Holy Spirit is trying to speak to all of us, but sometimes we get caught up in meager things.

How, by understanding the deeds of mankind, do you think you can understand the love of Jesus Christ? The Lord said the distance between the thoughts of man and His thoughts are like the distance between the ground and the heavens. Even when people read the Bible more thought is put into useless things, like the Council of Nicea and the Emperor Constantine, than is put into the very thing the Bible is saying. The opponents of the Lord’s gospel are more concerned with talking about how mean it was of Moses to fight the giants of the land of Canaan. At the same time they miss out and never dare speak about the sacrifices and pain of Jesus Christ for the sake of mankind. They will call God a murderer but never ever talk of how loving it was of Jesus Christ to get tortured for their very souls!

When I read the Bible I make sure not to develop the distorted view that the opponents of that book have. The Bible is NOT hate speech as ignorant people today would like to claim. When you look at the New Testament from a birds eye view it actually the greatest love story ever told. When I read the Bible it was an accurate account of history yes, but it was also the ultimate love story of God and mankind. If you take a step back and look at the New Testament, it’s really talking of a raggedy lost woman (mankind) and this handsome prince (Jesus Christ) who comes along to save her at the risk of His own life. Yet every time I hear a militant atheist address Jesus Christ they say how murderous His teachings were. However those same people who try to slander the Lord’s name refuse to talk about the over 100 million people who were killed because of the militant atheist teachings of Stalin and Mao. Every time I hear a secularist humanist say how Jesus Christ’s ideas inspired mass murder, they usually have a Che Guevara t-shirt on; a man who advocated thermal nuclear war for the sake of revolution.

Jesus Christ NEVER killed an American Indian! Jesus Christ NEVER told a white man he couldn’t marry a black female! Jesus Christ NEVER beat up slaves in a cotton field! Jesus Christ NEVER rolled with a bunch of guys armed with baseball bats to beat up a gay guy! Jesus Christ NEVER beat up a woman with His fists! And Jesus Christ NEVER ordered someone to be stoned because they disobeyed Him! Yet why is it that these days we hear people accuse Jesus Christ of these very things?!

I’ll tell you why, it’s because they want to justify their public acts of filth in gay pride parades. They want to justify how it’s ok for men to marry other men. Feminists want to justify their war of destruction against the traditional family. Militant atheists just want to justify their reason to hate. How do you think that by openly rejecting God, that He will suddenly fall into your lap at this moment? How do you think you will comprehend the gospels and it’s lessons if you rather find your wisdom from the Da Vinci Code and theology? This is why Pharisees used to give Jesus Christ so much disrespect, because they were more concerned with tradition and laws rather than loving their fellow man. The thought they could find God through being self-righteous while all that time God the Son was right in front of their eyes.

Everyone un-stuff you ears, including other Christians who are trying to justify a wrong doing. The Holy Spirit is speaking to you now and He wants you to open yourself up seriously. Stop blocking the ears of your heart from Him. If you truly long for an understanding of God as you claim you must open your heart to Him. Stop looking to theology or logical philosophies that you only create to take your mind off of where you are really heading. Pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to turn your heart to Him. Meditate on His Word. You cannot blame God in the end if you are not let into His kingdom. He will say He already tried to reach you many times in the past.


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