Saturday, January 2, 2010

The begining

I wonder how many people decided to start a blog on New Year’s Day 2010. Some, I’m sure, have started blogs in order to jump start a writing career. My goal, however, is not to write something that will one day end up as a book and then a movie. If it happened, I wouldn’t turn it down, but it is not the reason that I wanted to write down my thoughts.

The reason for this blog is to simply put into writing the thoughts that get stuck in my head. The truths and lies that I tell myself about who I am and what I want to become. Success will not mean that I will come to the end of this journey as a different person, I am very happy, most of the time, with the person that I am today. I want merely to have an outlet to explore all of the demons, the delusions, the half truths, and the complete falsehoods that I tell myself about who I am; the things that I use to stand in my own way.

I am not sure how long the journey will take, I may never find the complete truth. My hope, however, is that at some point along the way, I will be able to see a version of myself free from baggage, free from unrealistic dreams, free from self doubts that clutter my thoughts; a version of me thats just Todd.


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