Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Misconception

Ok.. no fancy lettering… words… nothing… straight to the point.  (mmmm this latte is good).  My passion for children is and will always be ENDLESS.  As stated before … ” My life has yet to begin …. my heart hasn’t started beating .. . and will only begin to pound when my first BORN arrives.”  With that being stated .. this will help you understand where im coming from when i say this.

Jokingly … if the subject matter of children comes up when conversing with a woman, that i would take the child and would want to hold custodial rights.

Then here comes the confrontation.

My view is this, If … and i do say IF… I impregnate a woman and i do not see my self being involved… married…. etc.  I would want to have custody of my child.  AM I WRONG FOR WANTING SUCH.  I was once called irresponsible for thinking like this.  Being the objective thinker that i am.. i asked the individual to provide  a case for their argument >>>> here are some insersts from the quote on quote Speach…

“Because youd be depriving them (the child) of a parent who has just as much of a right to be a part of their lives as you do…”

“your selfish …you should sacrifice being comfortable  and satisfied for your child to have equal access to both their mother and father”

“its not fair… the child will only know me as a visitor? when i went through 9  months and 16 hours of labor. “

“a child deserves to have both parents unless one is unfit …. to bring a child into this world with someone who already plans to parent alone is unfair and not to mention irresponsible …. FOLLOW ME!”

NO I DO NOT FOLLOW YOU….. honestly I dont sound like the selfish one here … BUT AT ANY RATE… the premises that you gave do not …A) support your conclusion of me being irresposible … B) are out of context simply because i stated … IF… I impregnate a woman and i do not see my self being involved… married…. etc.  I would want to have custody of my child. You are under the impression that im just FLEEING WITH him or her and you will never see them.  SMH.

No man is any lesser than any WOMAN when it comes to raising and providing for a child.

BY no means did i say that the woman would be unfit… IM not the JUDGE … i just want the same respect when my view is presented and equaltity to be a father who  … wants custody ….



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