Saturday, August 29, 2009

Plato's Cave, the mind, guilt, and innocence

The mind of Plato’s Cave, having accumulated shadows of ‘shadows of shadows’, lives in darkness.  The darkness, which is the involuntary reflexive expression of “re-cognition”, prevents seeing.


A mind that does not accumulate shadows is a mind that cannot pre-meditate. A mind that does not premeditate is a mind that is much more than ‘not guilty’. A mind that does not premeditate is a mind that is “innocent”.


The mind of Plato’s Cave, in its unending reactions, behaves mechanically. This mechanical reaction of recognition, creates friction, and dissipates energy. In the darkness and the mechanical process, the mind conjures up more shadows. The complexity and disintegration grow and the mind decays.


The innocent mind is whole, acts wholly, and is ‘holy’. This mind is not put together nor is it man made.


The mind of Plato’s Cave forever repeats and operates within its frontiers. This mind does not look, it “looks for”. It can never see and only re-cognizes what it already knows.

In this repetition, there is never anything new.


The innocent mind, not being mechanical, never dissipates energy. The innocent mind does more than re-generate and re-create. There is no “re” in the innocent mind. There is no “again” in the innocent mind. The innocent mind “generates” and “creates”.


The mind of Plato’s Cave is always “the again”. This mind ages and is old.


The innocent mind does not age and is therefore forever new. This is creation.




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