Saturday, October 31, 2009



Cudi, now KID Musky to the mass of Hip Hop fans has been issued 30 Days by G.Will and “Former Manager” Sydney MacDonlad, to in some way correct his wrongs and show respect for helping Cudi’s career. As a result of him not clearing a debt, the funding for classes Cudi took, paid for by Everi Exposure and acknowledging the man resonsible for being THE MOST IMPORTANT MAN IN CUDI’S LIFE. The man Cudi felt was so special that he was willing to give him a gift that no sane man would give away EVER.

Inspiring Rapper G.Will CEO/Founder Prolific MG, a self claimed Rap Android felt the need to speak about how the situation made him feel. “As a REAL Struggling Artist Loyalty and Respect are VERY IMPORTANT.” Apparently alot more people in the Hip Hop Community are devastated to know Cudi’s is selling lies. G.Will  has devoted himself to destroying Hip Hop. The  “Ctrl + Alt + Delete” Mixtape will have the EXCLUSIVE TRACKS spilling the secrete behind Kid Musky’s Career. While G.Will verbally attacks Musky on Audio, the birth of a NEW FORM OF RAPPER HAS COME ( RAP ANDROID G.WILL). The buzz is beginning to build up very quick. Will Cudi respond? Will the media ask Cudi the questions that fans want to hear? Is it true that G.Will is the cause of Cudi’s increased falling number of fans? Did Cudi get smack while admitting on air that he was<<<<<<



Thursday, October 29, 2009

and the winner is...

Hello everybody,

I am pleased to announce that the Blog Comment Award has been won by non other than…Mr. Ordinary Mostly… for bravely going where no man or woman has gone before. He has written a candid and insightful, comment to my post, “Please leave a comment” (September 25, 2009). What a guy!! OM gets the Brave and Handsome Bennie Award for… yes… you guessed it: bravery in leaving a comment!!

So, anyone else out there want to try for the Baby Kitty Bella Award or the Grumpy Old Frank Award? (Neither baby talk nor grumpiness need be a prerequisite for winning.)  Yours truly, Called by Name

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Back in April, Jars of Clay released their newest CD called “Long Fall Back to Earth.” Instantly, I was a fan. (In fact, I think it’s been out of my car for maybe a week total since then. I listen to it all the time. The song called “Headphones”, however, reminded me of my one true addiction in high school (besides chasing the boys, of course).

I couldn’t go anywhere without them. I had them at school (so that I could listen on the trip to and from, of course), while I cleaned our church, on quiz trips. You name the place, and I probably had my headphones with me. Back then we didn’t have mp3 players, so I had to settle for lugging around my tote of CDs as well. I wasn’t even deterred when my CDs were stolen at a church camp, it just proved that I needed to keep them with me rather than leave them with my stuff.

One of the times I was at work cleaning the church, the pastor of my church said something to me in passing, something I took personally and was offended by at the time, but now I look back and realize that he was right. He said something to me about  how maybe I spent too much time listening to music, that it was an idol to me.

Looking back, I realize that I used them to block out everything going on around me. I claimed that I just connected with the music and used it as an “outlet” to “express my feelings.” In reality, I was expressing nothing. I was listening to others express while I only empathized with what was being said, as if I knew the lives of the artists or something.

Since then, I’ve learned of other ways to actually think for myself and express my own thoughts. (Crazy, I know!) Writing has become one of those outlets. I wrote minimally in high school, but college is when I realized quite how much I could use them to my benefit. Now, let’s just hope that I don’t become quite as dependent on my pen as I was on my headphones back then.

I’ve included the lyrics (and a link to a YouTube clip) to the song I mentioned at the beginning in case you want to know the exact lyrics.

by Jars of Clay

I don’t have to hear it, if I don’t want to.
I can drown this out, pull the curtains down on you.
it’s a heavy world, it’s too much for me to care.
If I close my eyes, it’s not there.

With my headphones on, with my headphones on
With my headphones on, with my headphones on

We watch television, but the sound is something else,
Just a song played against the drama, so the hurt is never felt
I take in the war-fires, and I’m chilled by the current events
It’s so hopeless, but there’s a pop song in my

Headphones on, in my headphones on
With my headphones on, with my headphones on
With my headphones on, with my headphones on
With my headphones on, with my headphones on

At the Tube Stop, you sit down across from me.
(I can see you looking back at me)
I think I know you
By the sad eyes that I see.
I want to tell you
(It’s a heavy world)
Everything will be okay –
You wouldn’t hear it,
(I don’t want to have to hear it)
So we go our separate ways

With our headphones on, with our headphones on
With our headphones on, with our headphones on

I don’t wanna be the one who tries to figure it out,
I don’t need another reason I should care about you,
You don’t want to know my story,
You don’t want to own my pain,
Living in a heavy, heavy world,
And there’s a pop song in my head,
I don’t want to have to hear it.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Light Workers--Awaken Your Brothers and Sisters

Dear Lightworkers,

We in this realm celebrate your awakening.  As part of your pledge, we ask you now to awaken your brothers and sisters, your fellow light workers.  Much like a child on Christmas morning, run to them in their sleeping beds and tell them, “Wake up!  Wake up! It’s time. It is time to wake up. It’s Christmas morning—the birth of Christ within you.  Lo and behold, the time is now!”

Your decision to do your part was made before you came.  You cannot fail. You have known from the beginning but your heart was closed by fear.  Your trust and faith have led you to this wondrous day of awakening. 

We love you.  We celebrate and assist you.  We are right here, we have always been right here to serve and support you.

 So spread your wings and trust the wind beneath you for we will hold you up and elevate you to fulfill your destiny.

-Twelve Wise Ones

Friday, October 23, 2009

Feeling Like Summer

Summer is more than a season for me. It’s a state of mind, It’s a pace of life. It’s a way of being. I think my life has always led me in the perpetual state of summer !

Summer is carefree, relaxed, and worry free. It’s sun tans and good waves, cold beer and sunsets.  It’s fine tuning the art of ditching responsibilities  that can be ditched without severe repercussions.

Any why not? Really, what is the rush? To go where, to accomplish what? I’m all for productivity, but working yourself to the bone all day, all year, to find your worth. Well good for ya if that’s your path. I’d rather live simply, I guess, and try to be in the moment as it happens. As the truly good stuff is unfolding. When I’m with my children, I try my best to be in that moment. To watch them, soak them up. They are among the greatest of blessings.

I don’t have any answers for mankind. I’m doing my best to ask the real questions that will help navigate my life to a place of relative happiness and connectedness. Trying to pause long enough to notice what I had spent my younger years blowing by.

Before you click off this page relegating yourself to what you may already you think of me, hold on, just for a second. I know we have to work and I’ve been around long enough to know there’s a great deal of satisfaction in work. Lifes work. Something good for the soul, not just the pocketbook. I’m in for all of that good stuff. I guess maybe what I’m talking about is balance,. That gentle point of where all seems good. Hawaiians would call it Aloha. Navajos would say it’s Hozho. Harmony and balance in life.

So if you don’t dig summer, give her a shot. She is warm and cozy, and will let your troubles slide right off her back into a wonderfully warm breeze that will remind you of what you really need to be happy.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is your definition of love?

Be Still . . .
Devotionals for Daily Living©

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
(1 John 3:16 (NIV))

What is your definition of love?

Does it include such things as roses and candlelight dinners?

Just in case you didn’t know it, there are many different types of love. The ultimate form of love is self-sacrificing for the benefit of someone else. It is often said that love is a choice. That is definitely true.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
(John 15:13 (NIV))

Do you see a pattern developing through these two verses of scripture? Love is a willingness to put the well-being of someone else above your own well-being. This is not easy to do, for self preservation runs very strong as part of the human experience. In other words, we have to look beyond our humanity and reach for the same characteristic within ourselves that Jesus displayed when He willingly went to the cross to die for our sins.

It is not easy! I pray that if the situation should ever arise that I would make the decision that would prove my love. Can you imagine what Jesus felt when He did what He did? No wonder He spoke these words from the cross.

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
(Luke 23:34a(NIV))

What is your definition of love?

Copyright 1998 – 2009 Dennis J. Smock
Daily Living Ministries, Inc.
Subscribe to daily email delivery

Monday, October 19, 2009

This is Truth

There is not much to say about this video. The main thing that comes to my nid is that you can’t listen to what people are telling you. Do not accept what humans tell you. Any human. No matter who they are. Look up what they say. Read it for yourself. Especially if what they are claiming is supposed to be about your faith or about God. You do not want to be mislead in to a world of down spins and depression. Read along with your pastor in the Bible. If he references something, write it down and go back and look it up. Not saying your pastor or youth pastor would try and mislead you on purpose, but guess what, they are human and make mistakes too. HEY! PLEASE, PLEASE, do the same to this blog and let us know if we are wrong. We are all supposed to keep each other accountable and help each other not to stray.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

ma heart

Cause you’re all I want
You are all I need
You are everything

My heart is aching for fellowship. But my heart is also aching for God. And unless we seek God, we will not have fellowship. Faith in God brings us together, not faith in friends. I love God. SO MUCH.

How can I stand here and not be moved by Him? I don’t know. But my heart CRIES for Him. I need Him. I have no desire but Him. I want a friend. That would be nice. I want a good community. That might help. But God is what I need. He is what I want. He is my all. He is my  God.

I can’t stop falling in love with Him. His love is in my heart. I need God. And I need to think of myself as He thinks of me. I’m calling Him a liar when I don’t. That pretty much means I’m always calling Him a liar. Which is no bueno. He isn’t a liar. He isn’t a lunatic. He is LORD.

My heart breaks because I can’t believe Him. I want to believe what He says I am. But I don’t. And I don’t see it echoed around me.  I need encouragement. But human encouragement is worthless. I need to dig in to the Word like none other. I need Jesus Christ. I need God.

I need. And He is more than I need.

I don’t want to be alone in lies. God. Help Me.

And God I’m crying out tonight
’cause I’ve given you my life
but I’m tired and I’m missing what’s behind
so once more here’s my life

Friday, October 16, 2009

Being understood

The universe smiled at me today. It started with sleeping to my heart’s content last night (very important for my happiness!), then my yoga class with Birgit, who used me to demonstrate Halasana and Shoulder Stand with a chair. I’d never been put on display like that in such a large yoga class, but I love Shoulder Stand. Today I felt particularly aware of my trunk muscles and was very stable during the opening seated meditation. I went up slowly, calmly, fluidly, effortlessly, in front of twenty pairs of eyes watching me. I heard a few sounds of appreciation from the onlookers, but mostly I was feeling it without thinking. No worries. The reality of the moment was blissfully obvious to me.

Then I came home and took in my emails – mainly one from Gail Larsen of Real Speaking finalizing some details for our certification training in January. I remarked that last night I had started to write an email to her, but then decided to save the draft and reread it this morning before sending it. Again, the universe smiled, as she ended up writing to me today! I was riding the wave of excitement from reading what she has added to the program. During our certification week, we will get to practice facilitating to a group of important strangers that Gail will bring in as “guinea pigs” for us. It lit me up from inside to hear of this addition. I guess there is a part of me that values practice and feedback before launching out on my own to do something “for real”. I was having trouble visualizing how I would transition from a week-long training into marketing and delivering my own workshop immediately upon returning home. But this piece was the missing link. I was also excited to hear that we will be training at a new location, this time in downtown Santa Fe, just blocks away from the Plaza. I can’t wait to return to this blessed place. I also can’t help but envision that someday I will end up living there. I scribbled down four new potential workshop titles plus a list of To Do’s before Feburary 2010. It was the first real moment of clarity this week.

The final smile from the universe came from my deciding to take the Kolbe conative style assessment. I don’t even remember the chain of events that led up to this, but suddenly I found myself on the Martha Beck site clicking on the link to the assessment. Martha is a big fan of the system, and all her certified coaches refer to it in their everyday language. So I thought I’d give it a try. I’m a big skeptic of any self-reporting assessments related to working styles, mainly because I’ve found that the surveys are very dependent on interpretation of language -the meanings you attach to certain words and how they attract or repel you. Maybe that’s the exact power of the tools! But in the past I’ve found them to be unreliable because I never knew if I was accurately describing myself.

Well, I clicked through the 20-some questions in the test and paid for the assessment. Imagine my surprise when the first words came up as follows:

Your Kolbe A Index result shows you’ve been working very hard.
You’re probably tired of making such great efforts and not getting the results you desire. Kolbe explains why and how that is happening.
Most importantly, you’re about to discover how to increase your mental energy – and get vastly improved results.
If you completed the Kolbe Index according to what you would do if you were free to be yourself, the results show that you don’t have that freedom right now.
At this time, you’re in a period of Transition which is causing an internal tug of war over the way you try to get things done. You may be trying to do whatever you believe you have to do to satisfy
your present situation or requirements of others.
This result provides valuable tips for removing the obstacles that are interfering with the use of your innate abilities.
About 10% of the population is going through a period of Transition at any given time.

Wow! It was like seeing myself in the mirror! I kept clicking through the report and I had the strange feeling that I was speaking to someone who had just met me and had seen all of the interior struggles I am going through right now. It was spooky, because this was an ONLINE ASSESSMENT TOOL! I was feeling understood deeply – at a psychological level – for the first time BY A TOOL!

In my writing and in my dealings with people in my life, I’ve come to realize that how I see myself is not always – actually it’s rarely – how they see me. Even the people supposedly the closest to me have very different views of who I am than how I feel from the inside.

So what is conative style, anyway? Conative style refers to a third part of the mind that was never discussed in medical school – we talked about the cognitive (thinking) part and the affective (feeling) part, but never the conative (doing) part. Just as we each have differing cognitive and affective profiles in our minds, we each have a unique conative profile. As I’m thinking about this now, I am reminded of the slippery slope towards “fixed mindset” that these kinds of labels and assessments can lead to. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford, coined the terms fixed and growth mindset. Fixed mindset is the belief that we are all born with a certain amount of innate ability in a certain area, which cannot be changed. Therefore, when we come to a challenge that we are unable to surmount with our known quantity of skill, we back away, attributing our failure to a bad match between the task and our level of ability. In contrast, growth mindset is the belief that we each have the capacity to train and practice to increase our own potential at anything, and that challenges are overcome not by having a greater innate quantity of skill, but by doing more effective practice (ie, hard work) over a sustained time period with expert guidance. Dweck’s research has shown impressive results in all age groups when subjects were taught that their results were a product of their own effort, rather than their innate talents.

I’m curious how applying the Kolbe conative styles can help or hinder the growth mindset philosophy, of which I am a huge proponent based on personal experience and observation. I suppose one camp would say that “success” is defined by achievement, while the other might say that “success” is defined by happiness, energy, and fulfillment. I can see how hard work and discipline do not necessarily lead to the latter.

For now I’m suspending my disbelief and continuing with a curious mind on my journey, staying open to any new information as an opportunity to question more deeply. That’s the beauty of being in Transition…

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is that your final answer?

Today in Philosophy class, abortion was brought up. We were discussing whether or not it was right to put animals to sleep when they’re no longer useful or sick. Once abortion was mentioned, a nervous chill came over the class and once one student talked about “killing babies”, the professor quickly jumped in to say, “It’s not a baby it’s a zygote, an embryo, a fetus.”

I’m glad that my relativist Philosophy teacher has actually taken a stand on something. Yes, Ms. I-don’t-know-what-truth-is has come to the conclusion that the unborn are not in fact “babies” and therefore it’s perfectly okay and morally acceptable to “terminate” them. Is that her final answer?

She also falsely assumed that zygotes (single cell we all begin as) are aborted when she said, “It’s smaller than the tip of this pin, it’s just a cell” – women don’t usually find out there pregnant until around the 5th or 6th week after conception, at which point the zygote is an embryo, developing eyes, a brain, and other organs (Most abortions take place between the 6th and 12th weeks when the unborn has a rapidly developing brain and recognizable skeletal system). And the zygote is far from just another common cell – it’s the largest cell in the woman’s body with a genetically unique identity. Everything, from hair color to the personality type is predetermined at conception, when the 23 chromosomes from the father’s sperm meet the 23 chromosomes from the mother’s egg. There’s not doubt about it, we begin at conception.

But for the sake of argument, let’s assume abortions take place a week after conception. Her argument of simplifying the growing life as nothing more than a small cell evades the real issue. Pro-aborts typically cite the small size as justification. This presents an interesting dilemma: If our humanity and personhood are solely based on our level of development, what else can be justified? Children lack mature sex organs and infants’ bones aren’t fully fused together. Since they are less developed than an adult, is it morally right to eliminate them? We are constantly developing throughout our lifetime, the start of which is conception.

It’s always interesting to hear someone well-versed in moral arguments make the claim that the unborn aren’t people. Since the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, human life has been cheapened and devalued. Instead of referring to the most helpless members of our society as people, we coldly label them “fetuses” and “embryos.” Yes, it’s true that these labels do apply to the unborn, but the way in which they are used is done with indifference to the life of a unique human individual: “It’s just a stomach… It’s just a foot… It’s just a fetus.”  So I ask, to someone who is intimately familiar with various philosophical concepts and arguments and virtually refuses to take a position, is that your final answer?

6 week old unborn

10 week old unborn

Monday, October 12, 2009

no YOU'RE so vain

I like some old Carly Simon music.  I think she’s alright.  But when I read on the CBC news website that Carly Simon is suing Starbucks for crap CD sales I thought, STEP-OFF Carly.

Not that I’m trying to defend Starbucks.  I worked there for a long time, I loved the people I worked with, my blog is even named after the way one of my customers ordered his coffee, but I wouldn’t necessarily jump to bat for them–part of the reason I quit was the generous 4 cent raise they gave me.  Ouch.

Legally, I can understand why Carly Simon would sue if they failed to meet their end of the contract, but according to the article, Starbucks claims they met their obligations.  Only my hairdresser knows for sure.

But the point of this post, and my favourite thing about this debacle, is a user comment on the CBC article page:

TRUTH! Carly.  GroovyGreta holds nothing back.

I love it.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

People of Prayer

I see a people of prayer that are rising up. Men and women that will sell out, forsaking all things to follow Him. Men and women who devote their lives to be an offering, a living sacrifice unto Yahuah. These are the mighty men, the men of valor. These fight for the lives, for the souls of the lost sheep. These men and women will truly find Love, and live there continuously, offering up prayers for the body, laying their lives down for their friends. These will be the ones to usher in the end time harvest.

These men and women will not be noticed by the world; they will not receive a reward from man, but the reward that is eternal; they are storing up treasure in heaven.

These men and women will truly be dispensers of the fullness of Yahuah’s grace in this earth as the heavenly and earthly realms come into alignment in them. They will be manifesting heaven on earth, the character of Elahim: Truth and Love—Light and Life—the ultimate power. The darkness will be pressed back, and in their presence bondages will be broken, all things will be made whole, not by them, but by the Spirit at work through them.

These men and women will look foolish to the world, to the “church”, but their eyes are not set on pleasing man. They are not looking to fit in or make friends. Their eyes are set on the prize, Yahushua, and they offer themselves to Him.

These are truly transformed; living vessels of Truth, right now examples of the Word became flesh.

These do not follow the voice of another, man or spirit, but walk in tune, in sync, in step, and do not stumble, because they know and follow the voice of the Master.

Many of these will not be found standing on a stage, shouting messages from a pulpit, but will be found face down in the dark or marching on the streets, nameless, faceless as they go, always remaining in the secret place.

Are you one of these? If you think you are, how badly do you want to become everything that you have been created to be? How badly do want to be set-apart (holy) unto Yahuah? How badly do you want to look upon His glory, all of His esteem, and for Him to truly reveal Himself to you and through you? I’m not talking about visions or dreams, but for Him to show up—pillar-of-smoke-and-fire type glory that everyone can see—how bad do you want it? What are you willing to give? What are you willing to walk away from? What is holding you back, because He’s waiting for you?

Are you waiting for Godot....?

This blog was inspired by several lovely women whom I’ve recently had the opportunity to read. These profound readings brought to mind the Samuel Beckett play, “Waiting for Godot”. ”Waiting for Godot follows two days in the lives of a pair of men who divert themselves while they wait expectantly and unsuccessfully for someone named Godot to arrive. They claim him as an acquaintance but in fact hardly know him, admitting that they would not recognise him were they to see him. To occupy themselves, they eat, sleep, converse, argue, sing, play games, exercise, swap hats, and contemplate suicide — anything “to hold the terrible silence at bay”.  The play opens with the character Estragon struggling to remove his boot from his foot. Estragon eventually gives up, muttering, “Nothing to be done.” ( reprinted from Wikipedia) and thus, they spend the rest of their time “doing nothing” but waiting. I encourage you to Google the play as it is very thought provoking….That said, I was inspired by the readings AND the play…perhaps you will be too!

In the readings there seemed to be a theme that these women were “waiting” for something. In fact, each of these women validated that they were indeed “waiting” for the perfect moment, perfect relationship and to move forward at just the right time. As in the play they felt “Nothing to be done”  until everything lined up perfectly and matched exactly what  they had imagined. And so they did nothing but wait. I asked one woman if she knew what she was waiting FOR. Her answer was that she had always imagined a perfect life, with the perfect husband, the perfect family and to be perfectly happy.  She was waiting for perfection and in many ways invalidated or discounted anything that didn’t “match” that expectation of what it would look like.  In fact much of the time she couldn’t have the beautiful life she had already created for herself because it wasn’t the perfection she thought she was seeking. Again, “nothing to be done” but wait.

So is there somthing YOU are WAITING for? It could be a relationship, the perfect job,  the kids to go off to college so you can begin a new chapter in your life, for that perfect guy or woman to call, for someone to validate you. Are you waiting for ‘just the right time’? Those are just a few examples but you may have something else in mind. Now I ask you…what does whatever it is YOU are waiting for look like to you and is it what’s called a PERFECT PICTURE or ideal? You could actually have so much of your energy focused on the PERFECT that you have stopped creating and have little energy for anything else except your day-to-day “chores” and responsibilities! Have you stopped experiencing , allowing and living life in the present? Are you having what you already have? What might you have missed WHILE  you were waiting and focusing on that PERFECT PICTURE to manifest itself? It may be that the very thing or answer you are waiting for is right in front of you but your attention is somewhere else so you’ve missed it! The interesting thing is that it’s possible some of these PERFECT PICTURES that you so dearly hold on to AREN’T EVEN YOURS!

Of course you have dreams and imagine how you want your life to be.  BUT when you turn all of your focus and attention to matching something perfect, you can get a bit stuck. If you are WANTING in many ways it is like lacking something not to mention it ties up your energy! If your attention is focused on or actually IN someone else’s picture…say something your Mom wanted for you as an example, you are not even focusing on your own TRUTH.  When your energy is focused on or even caught up in a picture it’s difficult to create, you can lose motivation or give up altogether!

Well guess what? When you pull your energy and focus out of the pictures you have MORE to create WITH!  ALLOW the process to just happen! When you are allowing there’s no need to be DOING. Manifesting your dreams can be as simple as imagining the dream, letting it go and allowing it to come back to you. NO EFFORT! You don’ t need to focus outside yourself ON or IN the picture.  You don’t have to wait for Jupiter to be aligned with Mars. All your answers are within that beautiful, creative, BRILLIANT, loving YOU! Look inside yourself to find your PASSION. What YOU really dream of! It may be different from what think you SHOULD be doing, or what you always thought you WOULD be doing! It’s about BEing:-)

You have the ability and power to change your life by bringing your very essence home, so to speak. Much of what you need to do is SIMPLY bring your attention back to you and be in present time. Call back your energy from the pictures! I know it seems simple and it really is…your intent goes a long way!  Notice how it feels as you fill up with YOUR ENERGY. When your own very personal, unique energy is in your body you vibrate and shine brightly.  Your motivation comes back, you see possibilities where you thought none existed and all the things you were waiting for will begin to appear in present time. Waiting for something implies the future yet creating  happens in the here and now. So what are you waiting for? Look inside yourself! Meditate! Instead of waiting at a bus stop, passing the time, waiting for some sort of perfection focus on the feeling of YOU within YOU! Focus on how good it will FEEL when your dreams become reality! Take a moment right now, create the intent to call back all your energy and fill up with it! Just for fun repeat after me: ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO ME!

Thanks for taking a moment to read this! As always, your comments are appreciated. If you’d like a reading on this or any other subject of your choosing, contact me at For more information on Clairvoyant Readings, feel free to visit my website

Shine your Light! Debbie

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Addressing "Agenda" for a lover

Okay Let’s just say I happen to have happened into maybe

what might be a tragedy of errors

It’s too apparent I meant to do

nothing necessary I needed to do or say

that would prove to move me forward

improve it all  that joy might fall

                                                                    and happen


At least we see at least that now

Monday, October 5, 2009


It is still unclear to me at times why I desperately try to hang on to things for such dear life that I have no control over.  I suppose for a very long time I decided I wanted to take control of each and every situation of my life.  If I did not like where the progression of life was taking me, I would strive to step in and “right” what I thought was wrong even though I was intended to walk through it.

My control is a lot like a close pin.  A close pin can grip things and hold items in place up to a certain point, but when something is too heavy for that close pin to handle, it will eventually either let go of the object or it will break under its weight.  I cannot tell you how many times I have tried to take control of every situation I have come across, but I can tell you that my grip on circumstances is a lot like a close pin.  I may be able to think I am handling it up to a certain point, but eventually I either lose grip or I break under the pressure.

Over the last six months, I have really been able to come to grips with this and to take ownership where ownership must be taken and also to let go of areas that are too heavy for me to attempt to fasten my grip to.  I have learned to rejoice in the fact that I do not have to retain control of every situation in my life.  In fact, it has been quite a joy and a relief to be able to let go of those things that I know I am not intended to carry and to give them back over to God.

In a hospital room, nine times out of ten, patients and loved ones look to us to be the strong ones.  I believe that it is alright to not feel like we need to give an answer to every question that is asked.  I think, actually a sign of maturity and a sign of validating someone’s fear or sorrow is to not shy away from actually saying, “I don’t know the answer to that question.  I cannot even begin to understand what you are facing.”  This may seem vague, but sincerity can calm hearts sometimes more than knowing all the answers to life’s questions.

I thank God for the large barriers in my life.  I also thank Him for a weak grip I really have on the issues and circumstances I find myself in.  To God be the glory, great things He continues to do.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How postmodernism kills science

In his review of Higher Superstition, Arthur R. Kantrowitz wrote in Physics Today (January 1995): “The pigeonholing of science as a white, European, bourgeois, male, etc. view of the world is taken seriously by many members of the humanities and social science faculties of our leading universities and by literary intellectuals generally. To such demystifiers, the knowledge produced by science is no more reliable than that produced by Rother ways of knowing.

As Gross and Levitt put it, “Once it has been affirmed that one discursive community is as good as another, that the narrative of science holds no privileges over the narratives of superstition, the newly minted cultural critic can actually revel in his ignorance of deep scientific ideas.

The left’s flirtation with irrationalism, its reactionary rejection of the scientific worldview, is deplorable and contradicts its own deepest traditions. …The literary intellectuals control most of the undergraduate years of people who go on to become teachers, lawyers and journalists. To an alarming degree they have broadcast the proposition that science is too dangerous, and they have given prominence to ‘other ways of knowing,’ which they have put forward as more politically correct.


Glamour Puss

Usually i’m obsessed with one item
but today, im obsessed with this ENTIRE OUTFIT!

And these shoes.. my Buddha… these SHOES!!!


Yes Sir.. I am a Glamour Puss!

SKIN: Belleza- Jesse in Deep Tan (group gift.. TY Tricky!!)
HAIR: Truth – Luna in Cocoa
TOP: Armidi – Kongo Chain Shirt in Gold
SKIRT: Zaara- Larin Skirt in Copper Rust
LINGERIE: Wanderer The Wind- Lingerie ver23 in Brown
(in shoe pic)
NECKLACE: Zaara- Karmuka in Wood Gold
BANGLES: Zaara- Pallav Amber Bracelets
SHOES: Anexx – Ribbon Belt Pumps in Brown
POSES: Vain Inc and Slash Me Poses


Kylie Minogue – Love at First Sight
Dedicated to the new Larin skirt from Zaara!
(i’m sick..i know!)
And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out to fill up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight
‘Cause baby when I heard you
For the first time I knew
We were meant to be as one


I’ve been obsessing and waiting patiently for this new skirt form Zaara to be released. I went in Sat morning, just to see if it could possibly be out and i seriously squealed in all sorts of delight when i saw it on the new release wall!! I snatched it up quicker then i could let out an exhale of breath. Of course i bought the fat pack.. trust me on this ladies. BUY FAT PACKs, not only do you save Ls, but come on, you know you’ll want all the colors as soon as you see these amazing skirts. I immediately went home and figured out what shoe/top/hair/accessories combo i could put together so show im obvious love for this beautiful…. BEAUTIFUL skirt! So i came up with this look! Now usually, i’m obsessed with one thing in every outfit but today, honestly… i’m in love with it ALL! This entire look has got to be one of my favorites, so much so that i’ll be wearing it later when im on the Dating Casino game show! Lol, i’ll post up my soon to be embarrassing SL moment later…i can’t wait! I have friends who’ve been on the show and they all tell me its one of the best experiences they’ve had inworld.

*sighs* My Buddha.. i’m so in love with this look right now!

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Joy Diet, Ingredient #2: Truth

The Second Ingredient for Joy: Truth

It’s the end of my second week on the The Joy Diet, and the ante has been upped: incorporating the first ingredient, Nothing, and adding the second ingredient, Truth. Doing Nothing–or, in other terms, meditating–went better this week than the first. Walking meditation was my favored method of those mentioned in the book this week (i.e. repetitive motion), and, when the weather didn’t permit that, mantra, which is not mentioned in the book, but which, from past experience meditating, I know works well for me. I’m getting to that comfortable point with Nothing, wherein it’s easier for my mind to drop into stillness.

While I said easier, I didn’t say easy. (Even for many heavily-experienced meditators, getting the mind to be entirely silent is a challenge.) For the first four days I ended up doing the preliminary truth question, and leaving that day’s moment of Truth at that: Why am I avoiding stillness?

For those first four days, I was wanting to avoid stillness because I was behind in the self-paced writing course I’m taking, Juicy Journaling with SARK. (I took my 15 minutes anyway, but I procrastinated a lot.) This leads to…

Truth #1: I can be a very driven, overly-ambitious perfectionist, and this is not good for me. An example: at one point in my days in university, I was carrying two majors and a minor, with the heaviest class load my scholarship would allow, and making top marks. I was also not sleeping or eating worth a dime, having migraines often, being sick to my stomach several times a week, waking blue around the lips and nail beds from night terrors wherein I dreamed I was drowning, and, in short, coming apart at the seams from stress. I began to see every paper, test, homework assignment, and project as though it was of life and death importance. (The Truth: It wasn’t.) I eventually had to drop one of my majors to a minor to avoid being locked away in a rubber room. (I say that only half-jokingly.) And this memory came flooding back when daily life events put me behind in completing each day’s prompts for Juicy Journaling, as I was getting angry at myself because I wasn’t “applying myself” and finishing them each day. The real Truth: It’s self-paced. The prompts will still be there when I do have time. There are no grades. And SARK would not want me making myself stressed out over it, I’m sure.

After I realized that I could get behind on my self-paced e-course and not be a failure, other truths started bubbling up, though I admit that I didn’t go through the whole, drawn-out prescribed process and battery of questions outlined in the book. These were just Truths that landed on my figurative doorstep, bolts from the blue after my meditation or while messing around doing something mindless or via the ever-popular Truth vehicle of dreams.

Truth #2: No matter how many happy face stickers I try to stick over it, no matter how many swims I take in Denial, or how I try to hide it by living solely “in the moment”, that fact is: I’m not truly happy in my job or homelife, and things need to change. In fact, I had a dream after spending hours the night before trying to catch up on that e-course in which SARK showed up in my dream and asked me how much longer I was going to put up with things the way they are. Since this is a public forum, I’m not going to go into details, but it feels like I’m living in limbo, working a job that no longer challenges me or inspires me–if it ever did in the first place, of which I’m no longer sure–but does cause a whole mess of stress without even the benefit of health insurance or a reliable vacation, living with my parents to save money, and waiting to start really living the life that stars in my dreams every night rather than this much paler shadow of it.  It’s not to say that I don’t have good moments, or good days, but I think I could have a good year if I changed some things.

Truth #3:  I’m unsure of the timing in which to make the changes to address Truth #2, but I know things have to change, and it’s going to require a leap of faith.  I have it in the back of my mind that December 31st will be my last day at my draining job.  Since it doesn’t look like I’m going to get my week’s vacation this year, I will not be able to do much of what needs to be done to change my living location until after the job is done, as traveling very far afield can’t happen without taking time off work, so I am tentatively thinking I’ll take January to rest, get my head together, and get my things together to move, possibly cross-country, since there’s this one place that will not leave me alone–while awake or in dreams–and I think there must be a reason I feel so pulled there and a reason it feels so familiar though I’ve never been.   (That’s a whole ‘nother post.)  If all goes well, I’ll visit said place in January and, fingers crossed, lay the groundwork for my move, tentatively to happen in February.  Still, I’ll be leaving the security of my paycheck and rent-free housing with my parents.  That’s a bit frightening, and my more practical family–and my own Inner Critic–will bring up how illogical and ill-conceived this plan is.  I hope I’m brave, strong, and faithful enough to make that leap.

Truth #4:  In relation to Truths #2 and #3, if I stopped putting money into savings right now, I would have enough for a reasonable budget that would last 4 to 5 months with absolutely no money coming in, barring unforeseen major expenses of course, but I plan to add more every week until the end of the year.  Therefore, I shouldn’t be so petrified about money as security.  The whole point of living rent-free with my parents, and, since May, my little sister, was and is to save money to finance a move toward the big, wild, crazy dream, a better dating scene in hopes of finding that Special Someone, and–Universe willing–a more soul-nourishing occupation, or, at least, a less stressful one.   I have to make that leap sometime, or there’s no point.  That savings account is like a message from my Past Self (who was better at being full of hope and taking leaps) to my Future Self (who is terrified of leaps of faith, but terrified of remaining static at the same time), saying, “Go on.  Jump!  This is your safety net!  Remember?  You started weaving it years ago, and it will be fully ready to catch you soon!”

Truth #5:  I need to get out of my introvert’s comfort zone.  There are lots of reasons, but, chief among them being that it’s hard to make connections and show the world you care if you’re at your house or tucked away in a deserted part of the library or bookstore all the time.  This is not going to be easy, and may very well be uncomfortable, but it is necessary.

Given those five truths, I can definitely relate to what Martha Beck says in the chapter on Truth:

The practice of telling ourselves the truth is so simple and so freeing that you’d think we’d all do it constantly.  The fact is, however, that most people tell themselves the truth only in selected areas, and many of us lie to ourselves and others about practically everything we experience.  Why?  Because living behind a pane of glass, numbing and empty though it is, also feels safe.” — Martha Beck, The Joy Diet, p. 27

I’m sure that, as I keep up the practices of Nothing and Truth and head into Desire, more Truths–risky, uncomfortable Truths–will come up.  Thankfully, Risk is still a while off.  Haha.  I don’t think I’m entirely ready for that just yet.

All in all, Truth week has been a bumpy ride for me.  I think that’s why Beck prescribes Nothing (a.k.a. meditiation) first…To help you handle Truth.  Am I alone in this?  I think not.  Now that I have some Truths, though, I can choose what I do about them, and I can stop lying to myself while also “extending compassion to my Inner Lying Scumbag.”

How was Truth week for you, my fellow Joy Dieters?  Or, if you aren’t part of The Next Chapter (or not yet), what Truths are you hiding from yourself?  What would happen if you weren’t hiding them?