Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yes; Richard, --There IS a God!

Jon, (and Richard Dawkins),
Absolutely: –there is a book you can read!
There really IS a God!

“Creation–Eternal Design or Infinite Accident? ‘The SOURCE,’ by JOHN CLAYTON, and Nils Jansma,
HOWARD Publishing Co., ISBN 1-878990-89-6. Science and Faith/Faith

I am presenting here, following, the copy from the paper leaf cover of this hard-cover book:

Is it really possible to reconcile the facts of science and the biblical teachings of creation?

Not only is it possible, but the book you hold in your hands shows that good science is not an enemy of faith in God. In fact, the God of the Bible invites us to learn about him through his creation. The evidence in this book shows that the intellectual position of the believer is more rational and better supported scientifically than that of the atheist.

In addition to special-subject appendixes and illustrations to simplify important concepts, you’ll read chapters like:

     * The Cosmos and the Creation
     * Let the Earth Speak
     * Ask the Animals
     * What is Man?
     * The Nature of God
     * God’s Permission of Evil

After reading this book, you will see that only one conclusion can be reached: God is real, and He is the God of the Bible.

JOHN CLAYTON, is a scientist and former second-generation atheist, came to believe in God while attempting to prove that the Bible contradicts known scientific facts. Instead of disproving the Bible, he found it to be absolutely reliable. An award-winning science teacher, popularly recognized by the American Association of Physics Teachers and the National Association of Geology Teachers, Clayton has earned national prominence for his knowledge and skill in dealing with matters of faith and science. Today, Clayton travels the United States, speaking to university and church audiences some forty times a year, answering the question “Does God Exist?”

NILS JANSMA, is a practicing engineer working in San Diego, California. He has a master’s degree in both science and geotechnical engineering. At present he is enrolled in a Christian apologetics Ph.D. program.

What is the orgin of the world and of life itself?

* Did a series of ACCIDENTS and evolution bring about the world as we know it?
Or is there a design and PURPOSE behind it all?

*And if there is a design, is there an ultimate DESIGNER?

A number of years ago, John Clayton, a second-generation atheist and respected acientist and teacher, set out to disprove the Bible from a scientific point of view. Instead, his six-year study brought him to a profound faith in the God of the Bible.

Now, in this highly informative and easy to understand book, John Clayton and Nils Jansma–a geotechnical engineer and geologist–present convincing evidence that the Bible and the facts of science agree. As the public moves away from a belief in God as Creator of our heaven and earth, it becomes imperative that all believers be well informed on the vital subject. This book will become a resource you will use again and again.

“With unfailing intellectual honesty, John Clayton pierces the clouds of tradition that obscure what the Bible actually says, showing that what it says agrees with rigorous scientific facts. In The Source he shows that good Bible study and good science do not conflict. Based on his own studies, he changed from a militant atheist to a believer in the God who reveals Himself in the Bible.”
—Robert H. Towell Sr.
Consultant to Department of Energy on Transportation of Radioactive Materials.

“Clayton has the ability to describe complex scientific data and principles in ways that both educate and stimulate an open mind to rethink conventional wisdom. He then postulates an explanation that genuinely makes sense of the many unique and mysterious attributes of our world.”
—Danny C. Rich, Manager of Research: Datacolor International

“John Clayton is the best scientist I know at presenting the case for science and faith. Every Christian needs this information, in specific scientific form, as a ready resource. This book provides this much-needed help.”
—Dr. Carl Brecheen, Professor of Bible; Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Tesas.

“John Clayton is a man who pursues truth in both science and religious faith in an unusually insightful and gifted way. In my view, his ability to educate and challenge in fair, understandable, and honest ways is unmatched.”
—Richard Lee Brown, Management Consultant, Registered Professional Engineer.

In conclusion here; I will admit that I have not yet read all of Richard Dawkins’, renouned atheist, entire new book. I am familiar with his earlier books. However; I do highly respect what renouned scientist and ex-atheist John Clayton has to say about Richard Dawkins writings, along with other scientists and experts in their fields. I claim to be no expert myself, but I do have the God given ability to THINK. I am not a scientist, but I listen to scientists. I look at and consider all the evidences. Bring on your evidences, that support your faith, and let us have a look.  –dc

(John Clayton’s web-site:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hi, my name is: Chapter 4 Inner City Youth Ministry

Outside of your daily grind of  youth ministry you are going to want to introduce the youth to God, their community, and the world outside of the city at a deeper level. I think it is vitally important to take kids on a yearly journey outside of themselves and the “me centered” society we find ourselves in. You can  accomplish this by having a spiritual retreat, a local missions trip, and a fundraising talent show.

The Spiritual Retreat

We start planning this event around January and actually pull it off the 3rd weekend in March. So that gives us about two and a half months to plan, organize and execute the event. The Spiritual Retreat is a moment in the kids lives where we try our very hardest to connect them with God on a deep level. We leave on a friday night after school and return sunday afternoon. We usually book the retreat at a conference center about one hour away from the city. It is usually a place in the woods with quiet, rivers, lakes, tree’s and no technology. YMCA, and Salvation Army camps do the trick.

After the check in, and final payments the kids and their luggage is loaded onto the bus. They enjoy a granola bar and video complementary of the Tech Team. The video is made up of you tube videos, christian video’s, video’s our leadership team makes. It’s a lot of fun and its a chance for the kids to unwind a bit. Once we arrive at the retreat center we have a team offload the luggage into the respective cabins. Guys usually stay on one side, and girls on the other.  The kids are then herded into the main meeting room where they come face to face with a room set up with the theme of the weekend in mind. There is music playing, lights flashing, tons of visual stimulation and the cheapest dinner we can conjure up.  Hot dogs, PB and J, Pizza, Fried Chicken, you get the idea. We welcome them and play a rules video that is fun and creative. One year we had Fandango paper bags explaining the rules, the next year we had Jay Leno celebrity faces with moving lips. For a couple of years we had super hero’s called enforcers . This was a set of videos displaying leaders wearing cheep Halloween masks beating the crap out of kids who broke the rules. It was a riot. Keep the rules fun, simple and to the point. After the video we hand out the schedule for the weekend that are the size of concert badges. Schedual on one side, and the rules on the other. These are to be worn at all times during the retreat by the youth. We sit them down and bring in some guest entertainment ranging from christian rappers, to dave the horn guy. Something different to entertain them for a bit. As soon as the entertainment is over we split them into teams and do organized team games until about midnight. This is when we send them of to their rooms to wash up, bed down and get some sleep for the next day. Realistically they horse around, talk about who is hot, and joke with each other until about 4 in the morning.

We get them up around 7 so they can shower and get dressed at which point each room does a morning devotion with the kids on the weekends theme. Eight thirty is breakfast. Ten oclock is our first session. The session usually lasts about two hours. The standard worship, teaching and altar call for change. You will want to deploy your best gifted teachers during these sessions. Because if your kids are anything like mine, they have a ten minute attention span and are extremely new to the idea of church. Twelve thirty is lunch. Two oclock is the second session. Again your standard worship, teaching and altar call for change. The kids then enjoy free time until dinner at six. We usually try to hook up a list of organized games and set up a little prayer room for kids to enjoy. Eight oclock is our final session. This is the homerun session. You want your best worship set, best teacher, best creative altar call to be deployed. Most of the  time this session lasts until about eleven oclock because of the prayers and the way God shows up. At around eleven thirty we have the kids do a talent show. This is really cool way to wind down the night and let the kids show off a bit. Once the talent show is over we head back to the rooms for some much needed sleep. Realistically this is where the kids start talking about how God met them, and how for the first time they feel at peace. This lasts till about four in the morning. Have you figured out that you are not getting any sleep this weekend?

Sunday morning we wake around seven again and do room devotions. Eight thirty is breakfast and ten oclock is our final session. We usually sing a couple of songs and have the kids come up and share how they met God. The stories are unique, real, and are very touching. Twelve thirty we pack up, clean our rooms, eat another very cheap meal and load the buses. The end.

I shared briefly how we run our retreat, but it doesn’t really matter how you run it, as long as your run it. You know what your kids will connect with more than I do. I just wanted to encourage you to get them out of their enviroment and into a place that is quiet and distraction free. A place where they have a chance to choose God for themselves.

The mission trip

We struggled for years because we wanted to give our youth a oppurtunity to give back and serve. The experience a mission trip offers is life changing. The unfortunate thing is these life changing experiences often cost a lot of doe. We were faced with a challenge. How do we get these kids on a mission trip for less than one hundred and fifty dollars? My big Cuban friend came to the rescue once again. He suggested we stay right in the city and do the trip. There was a local Marriot that we could stay at and plenty of poor unfortunate souls to help out. (Big ups to the little mermaid). E-town mission was born. We took about twenty youth, ten leaders and booked the Marriot for a week. Parks and city blocks were cleaned, adult day care centers were visited, vacation bible schools were enhanced, homeless were fed, random people were prayed for, served, and filled with joy. Most important the kids lives were changed as they entered the mission field of their own neighborhood.  As we did this I found how easy it is to go somewhere far away and be a christian. You have nothing to lose. It’s another thing to be a christian in your own backyard with people you see everyday. I feel you have to be a far braver person. The kids are.

So how did we break it down. It was four days of work one day of Dorney Park/ Wildwater Kingdom. Lets tackle the work days and then you can tailor it to your city. We had two full day saturday meetings for the team before the trip started. We went over songs to be sung for vacation bible school and the adult day care centers. We taught them how to safely handle dirty condoms and hypodermic needles they would find on the street and in the park. We practiced simple prayers to say with people and what Jesus meant by laying your life down. The trip started on a monday. As soon as the kids arrive they place their bags in their rooms and meet in the lobby for crew assignments and weekly schedule. The day was split up like this.

7:00 – 8:00 Get up, Pray, Breakfast (The hotel supplied breakfast)

9:00 – 12:00 Morning Work shift (Teams were either Cleaning Parks or city streets, Visiting kids or old people, Feeding the homeless etc)

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch (You have to budget and plan for the daily lunches. PB&J, Hot Dogs, Sandwiches, Pizza)

1:00 – 4:00 Afternoon Work shift (Teams were either Cleaning Parks or city streets, Visiting kids or old people, Feeding the homeless etc)

4:00 – 5:00 Return to the Hotel, Shower and Clean up

5:00 – 7:00 Dinner (Find a family in the church to host a dinner for each day of the week)

7:00 – 9:00 Activity (Find cheap activities for the kids like bowling, kickball at the park, mini golf, dollar theatre, a pool etc.)

9:00 – 10:00 Return to hotel and get hang out for a little bit.

10:00 – 12:00 Ministry Time (Most hotels have a little conference room to meet in. Ask if you could use it every night at this time. Chances are nobody will want it at this time. Use these meetings  to debrief the entire team. Have each team share moments where they saw God in their day. Have someone do a short 10 minute teaching and play a couple of worship songs on a boombox. Use this time to let the Holy Spirit lead you to pray for the kids and offer words of encouragement. These meetings will fill the kids souls after a day off pouring themselves out.

Thats it. that is our daily routine on the mission trip. The hardest part about it all is the planning and scheduling with the organizations you plan to serve. But once thats settled the week is a breeze. And about Dorny Park. That is what sells the trip to the kids. A chance to hit an amusement park all day. But by the end thats not really the day they remember.

The Fundraising Talent Show

We are constantly teaching the kids that God wants to use them to heal a broken world. No good teaching them if we don’t give them the opportunity to actually do it. As we sat and tried to figure out ways of raising money for world causes like water wheels in africa, tsunami victims in south east asia. Things like plays, coin jugs, mix tapes, and begging popped up, but they didn’t really sit right in our heart because it was very “us” focused. The one thing we all agreed on was a talent show. This show could pull in all sorts of acts and people from across the city. It would be a city wide event. One night were people could put their personal beliefs aside and really do some good in the world. Hitting the ground running we booked the local high schools auditorium and made some really dope t-shirts to sell. Local dance studios, museums, steppers, poets, bands, organizations, and businesses signed on. We really didn’t have to pay anyone or twist arms to get involved. Although we would always love a better turnout our goals of raising money and helping the kids heal a broken world are alway met. So where do the kids come in? They sell tickets and t-shirts, go door to door with local business to buy ads in the program. They sing, dance, and rap in the show. They usher, do back stage work, paint pictures for the silent auction and serve the artists performing. We get them involved in any way we can. It’s awesome to see them being part of something so much bigger than themselves.

We figured our show should be about an hour and a half  long and that each act should be about six minutes each with a twenty minute intermission. If we did the math considering a ten minute intro and outro that left us room for about ten acts with some buffer minutes in between.

Here is a simple show breakdown:

2:00 – 4:00 Set up sound and lights

4:00 – 6:00 Sound checks for artists (Decorate Theatre and set up Merchandise Tables)

6:00 – 6:30 Pray

6:30 – 7:00 Open Doors

7:15 – Introduction followed by first 5-6 acts with giveaways and candy being thrown to the audience in between

8:00 – Intermission

8:20 –  5-6 acts closed by the outroduction with giveaways and candy being thrown to the audience in between

8:45 Goodnight

I know this seems like a lot of work. But I guarantee, you can pull off these events with minimum manpower. The benefits of taking your team and kids through this kind of yearly journey will not only affect their souls , but your community and the world around them. I was in Jerusalem one year serving as an EMT on a team that brought medical aid to oppressed people in Palestine. It was awesome. The garden of Gethsemane was a major highlight for me. I remember looking out over the olive tree’s  when my pastor sat next to me. What he said was life changing. He said, “Kevin, you know what the most amazing thing is about this place? Jesus changed the world all within twenty five square miles”. It is not far fetched to think our kids can do the same. If we could only manage to introduce them to God, their community, and the world.

Jeans and T's Tuesday

Exodi’s Frosted Lily skin and
these haunting Detour eyes!
(no photoshopping!)


Casual is the Key

SKIN: Exodi – Lily in Frosted
(Skin Fair Freebie – link is to the skin fair!)
HAIR: Truth – Freda in Fudge
EYES: Detour – Frozen Eyes in Brown
TOP: Fri.Day – Striped Capsleeve in Red
JACKET: enSvale – Denim Jacket in Bleach
JEANS: League – Ripped78s in Black
BELT: WRONG – Black Belt
BAG: ETD – City Handbag in Red Croc
BOOTS: Redgrave – Black Leather Boots
POSE: Long Awkward Pose


HIlary Duff – Come Clean
I’m having a teeny bopper moment
and i love it!

‘Cause perfect didn’t feel so perfect
Trying to fit a square into a circle
Was no life
I defy
Let the rain fall down
And wake my dreams
Let it wash away
My sanity
‘Cause I wanna feel the thunder
I wanna scream
Let the rain fall down
I’m coming clean, I’m coming clean

It’s seriously been one of those days…one of those days that even with my 40K inventory i STILL can’t find something to wear.. or at least something to fit my mood! I walked around in my undies most of the day, but that’s ok, im on my island and who’s gonna see? Except my neighbors.. umm oh well!! I finally got dressed at around 10pm (monday night) and finally found something to wear that made me happy. Im an incredible casual girl.. all i need are a kick ass pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a great jacket and i’m set!

The skin is Exodi’s gift at the skin fair! I haven’t been able to walk around the fair yet, lag is i’ll wait til mid week to go check out what designers have out. I gotta say, i loooooove the Exodi Lily! The eyes are from Detour.. and speaking of Detour. I was talking to my friend Pink today when she told me someone ripping a bunch of Detour’s hairs. I seriously went “whaaaaa???” I love Detour hair, i can’t believe they got ripped. Pink went ahead and notecarded the hairs and sent them to Detour’s owner Keri Clip.. and we have no idea if she even knew she’s been ripped. The sad part is, whoever ripped it.. did it from demos, they didnt even change the names hairs were still listed as full perm demos. Seriously, you can just tell they don’t really give a fuck.


A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller (review)

Donald Miller’s newest release, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years attempts to tell a story.  It’s a story of how to live a story actually.  Miller attempts to inspire the reader to re-write the story of their lives; to refuse to settle for the mundane and metamorphose into something greater.

I struggled with A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  I found it extremely egocentric.  It seemed that Miller struggled with an accurate picture of God through-out  his book.  I understand who Donald Miller is and realize that he is highly respected with in the “emergent church” scene.  His grasp of truth, or at least his relating of it, was much like wading in the surging tide of the ocean and feeling the sand getting sucked out from underneath your feet:  I never knew if I would come down on solid ground.

Miller is a good author.  Now, let me clarify what seems to be a contradictory statement from the above paragraph.  What I mean is that he can write a good story.  His anecdotes were interesting – sometimes seemingly disjointed – but interesting nonetheless.

I cannot really recommend this book because I think that Miller missed an opportunity to take advantage of his widely read audience.  He does not communicate Truth in a fashion that it could be used to change the reader’s life.  Instead of desiring to change my life for my sake, I wish he would have communicated the necessity to change my life for God’s glory & His pleasure

To read an excerpt from the book, click the link below:

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Monday, September 28, 2009

if we truly see the world

if we truly see the world as it is our hearts would break.

and  if our hard and well protected heart were broken

then they would become truly soft.

what if we all treated the world with softness,

the natural softness of the human heart?

is that buddha

is that christ,

is that the goddess

it that Allah,

god, Krishna


i dont know but it could be us

and  if were us, what would our world look like then?

High Times, Hard Times.

Another weekend passes me by.

Just got home from a fun show at the Village Lantern (where I’ll be holding WHITE: The New Minority next weekend).  It’s always an upper to do shows for an actual audience versus doing open mics in front of other comics.  I’d done three ‘mic’ nights in a row and was feeling pretty down about it.  No one ‘kills’ at an open mic and I’m aware of that on a practical level- all comics are reading their own notes, waiting to go up and do their own material – but night after night, it can be demoralizing.

It was interesting; after the show, a fellow comic said something about “doing something tomorrow” and I said, “No, you heard my set, I’m unemployed!” 

“Well,” he responded, “you know, we’re comics, who knows how much of our sets are true.”  Um, all of my set is true.  I just thought that was very interesting and he wasn’t even the first comic to say that to me.  And especially when I was doing the virgin set, people often thought it was a joke.  I suppose comics and the audience don’t really care so long as they are laughing.  It just seems very difficult to me to be able to really get behind a position on a joke if it’s not based in a truth of your own life.  Plus, enough silly stuff is going on each day: who really needs to be fabricating things!?

Big thanks to Rachel and friends for coming out tonight!

Post-Show at Village Lantern

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Too much, too soon.

Obama and the last hurrah of Liberalism. For half a century, or longer actually, the communist liberals have been slowly feeding it in to the nation. This is not what America is about, and this article from “American Thinker” points out.

What has happened to us is awful, this TOTUS and his minions. But in a good way. If it had kept being slipped in slowly, we wouldn’t have noticed the traumatic tearing. With this sudden jamming in of the lefts agenda, we are jarred alert. This, I pray, will do the awakening of the people while we still have time to reverse it. It is, hopefully, in time for us to halt and reverse.

I got this over at BMEWS from Drew, and I hope it IS in time.

The first link is the article at “American Thinker”, obviously, and the second is Drew’s article that led me there. Both of those are too spectacular to try to clip quotes from, both of them look through a slightly different prism at the same object.

Read them both, and let’s discuss it.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mintabie police checks, alcohol ban 'draconian'

( – Contract for Difference, Share, Forex, ETFs, Commodities Traders) – We here have been in negotiations to assist both the Mintabie community and also the APY community for many years now and we’ve now come to this conclusionWe here have been in negotiations to assist both the Mintabie community and also the APY community for many years now and we’ve now come to this conclusion that really preserves the exis …

“We here have been in negotiations to assist both the Mintabie community and also the APY community for many years now and we’ve now come to this conclusion that really preserves the existing township, but with some tightening of the restrictions that really Go to some very serious social issues.
Mintabie resident Warwick Middleton says the proposed changes are draconian.
He says Mintabie residents are being unfairly blamed for alcohol abuse problems on the Lands.
“I’m shocked to tell you the truth that they would even consider doing this,” he said.
“I mean they’re punishing everybody in the community for what they consider to be something that’s happening with a few people.
“As far as the alcohol, that is just rubbish, even blind freddy knows that the alcohol is coming from Coober Pedy and Alice Springs.
MP Graham Gunn says he will not support any legislation that would bring Mintabie’s by-laws more into line with those of the APY Lands.
“I will be opposing it because it’s unrealistic, it’s unfair, not based on commonsense or what’s in the best interests of the total community,” he said


Source: Mintabie police checks, alcohol ban 'draconian'

Experience of God

Experience alone is true knowledge.

Instead of questioning if God exists or not, i think more important question would be to find out what is God?How different religions, sects of people consider God? Is he a supernatural human being? Is he is some other living creature? Is he\it a principle? Is he\it a human concept to understand something? If he exists, does he care about good or bad as humans conceive them? Can there be a God if humans do not exist? Does belief\faith in God in any away affect human life?

Some say God is ‘Experience of Awareness of the Truth’. It is some sort of experience which cannot be explained to people who have not already experienced it. Try explaining things to people who are deprived of specific emotions like love, anger etc the experience of these qualities. There is limitation to language used to describe it and the number of words. In this way, God if it is experience of awareness of one true self ‘ is very hard to understand concept for all of us who have not felt it until now.

It is as absurd as explaining a heterosexual the true feelings of attraction of a homosexual to another man. The explanation that it is natural will not sink in the heterosexual who can never step into shoes of the homo in order to feel the experience. He cannot empathize since he himself is not something which the other is.

To the heterosexual imagination homosexual is a guy who enjoys anal and other stuff with other male. He could never experience the homosexual experience in the same way the homo could feel it since he is not what homo is.

And words may not be adequate to describe or define concepts like these which we have not experienced. We only heard of them from scriptures and old books.

Jonathan Edwards on libertarian free will

Thanks to Monergism Books for the tip.

Now, the question is, whether ever the soul of man puts for an act of will, while it yet remains in a state of liberty, in that notion of a state of liberty, viz. as implying a state of  indifference; or whether the soul ever exerts and act of choice or preference, while at that very time the will is in perfect equilibrium, not inclining one way more than another. The very putting of the question is sufficient to show the absurdity of the affirmative answer; for how ridiculous would it be for any body to insist that the soul chooses one thing before another, when at the very same instant it is perfectly indifferent with respect to each! This is the same thing as to say, the soul prefers one thing to another, at the very same time that it has no preference. Choice and preference can no more be in a state of indifference, than motion can be in a state of rest, or than the preponderation of the scale of a balance can be in a state of equilibrium.

From The Freedom of the Will.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fiction = Waste Of Time??

Maybe the only thing more amusing than telling people I’m studying for a degree in arts is the particular facial expression that I see over and over as I tell people that my major is English. It’s generally a cocktail of revulsion, with a dash of pity, and finally, a splash of ‘what a waste of time’ to complete the mixture. And because I studied English in high school, I can empathise to a degree.

But I’m coming to the end of my studies now, and I have never been more convinced that fiction (and poetry) is one of the most powerful tools for revelatory truth that humanity has at its disposal; and am devastated that it is so widely undervalued.

“Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible.” – Francis Bacon

Why wouldn't you take everything this guy says seriously?

One of Tolstoy’s biographers made the observation that when he finished War and Peace and returned to ‘real life’ he had the sense of turning to something paler and less true than Tolstoy’s art itself. The following is a brief passage from Tolstoy’s “The Death of Ivan Ilyich,” where Ivan, who has been ignoring his growing illness, can no longer avoid it:

Then suddenly he could feel the same old dull gnawing pain, quiet, serious, unrelenting. The same nasty taste in his mouth. His heart sank and his head swam. ‘O God! O God!’ he muttered. ‘It’s here again, and it’s not going away.’ And suddenly he saw things from a completely different angle. ‘The blind gut! The kidney!’ he said to himself. ‘It’s got nothing to do with the blind gut or the kidney. It’s a matter of living or…dying. Yes, I have been alive, and my life is steadily going away and I can’t stop it. No. There’s no point in fooling myself. Can’t they all see – everybody but me – that I’m dying? It’s only a matter of weeks, or days – maybe any minute now. There has been daylight; now there is darkness. I have been here; now I’m going there. Where?’ A cold shiver ran over him; he stopped breathing. He could hear nothing but the beating of his heart.

The Death of Ivan Iliych

This novel, written in 1886, explored for the very first time in popular consciousness the notion of the personal aspect of death. Prior to the nineteenth century, death is essentially considered to be a reconnecting with God since there was widespread certainty of an afterlife. This is lost in the nineteenth century, and coupled with a high mortality rate and loss of social security (in Russia), death changes to become a private event. Through this fictional character, Tolstoy is able to examine these effects with powerful outcomes.

This work in particular also either inspired or influenced much art, literature, and psychology of the twentieth century. Edvard Munch’s “The Scream,” Kubler-Ross’s “Five Stages of Dying,” and Heidigger’s “Being and Time” are just a few of the works that came from this work of fiction. This is not to say that they are evidence of fiction’s power in and of themselves – merely that this simple story opened up the possibility for expressing fears about death and dying that had always been underlying the human experience, but had never been articulated.

All of this is to (hopefully) point towards the reality that fiction is a powerful tool for expressing, or allowing others to express, truth about their experience. And that it is definitely something to invest time in.

Confession of Faith

luke 9

Now more than ever, we need to be boldly making the same proclamation that Peter makes here.

18 One time when Jesus was off praying by himself, his disciples nearby, he asked them, “What are the crowds saying about me, about who I am?”19 They said, “John the Baptizer. Others say Elijah. Still others say that one of the prophets from long ago has come back.”

20 He then asked, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?”
Peter answered, “The Messiah of God.”21 Jesus then warned them to keep it quiet. They were to tell no one what Peter had said.22 He went on, “It is necessary that the Son of Man proceed to an ordeal of suffering, be tried and found guilty by the religious leaders, high priests, and religion scholars, be killed, and on the third day be raised up alive.”23 Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat—I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how.24 Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self.25 What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?26 If any of you is embarrassed with me and the way I’m leading you, know that the Son of Man will be far more embarrassed with you when he arrives in all his splendor in company with the Father and the holy angels. This isn’t, you realize, pie in the sky by and by.

27 Some who have taken their stand right here are going to see it happen, see with their own eyes the kingdom of God.”

It seems like more and more our country is drifting away from the foundations it was built upon.  The current politico-social climate is tightening a noose of intolerance around the beliefs of Christianity while becoming more tolerant to everything else.  As Christians we have lost freedoms that we once enjoyed.  Will we ever get them back?  The foundations that existed in the beginning of this country are essential to the preservation of the success of the United States of America.  Similarly, we as Christians, need to recognize and hold firm to our spiritual foundations, like Peter, in his proclamation of the truth which is this.  Jesus is the Son of God.  This confession of faith should rule our lives, guiding our conscience and our actions.  Peter was bold in his proclamation and we should be the same.  Anything less, any doubt, any hesitation, any embarrassment and Christ will be far more embarrassed with us (verse 26).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

You Shouldn't Judge

One of the hardest subjects to talk about is judging. It feels dirty just saying the word doesn’t it. As Christ-followers it is particularly hard. Why? Partially because it is something that has been misused in the past and partially because we have a way of living that is an affront to our current culture. Scripture actually teaches that we’ll be hated just because we look like and have a relationship with Jesus. (John 17:14) When our sin becomes apparent we become uncomfortable. Unfortunately we also deal with a reputation born from others who claim Christ but don’t follow his teachings on the subject.

While it’s hard scripture teaches us that as Christ-followers it is a command. With something so touchy though how do we do it? Below are the main points from our lesson this week with additional scriptures for many of the points. I hope that you’ll take time to study more concerning this subject on your own and feel free to contact me with any questions.

For anybody stumbling across this blog and already getting ticked off about the subject matter (  There will be somebody  ) let me tell you the secret to why we are called to judge (this will also be a good reminder for everybody else.)

To judge is to love. Yeah I know that sounds contradictory. If you love someone you will have an innate desire to do everything in your power to save them from harm. That is an essential part of caring for someone. Judging is about loving. Most people confuse “judging” with condemning. We’re taught in scripture that it’s not our place to condemn. It is our place however to hold each, as Christ-followers, accountable to living life in a way that is pleasing to God. Protecting each other from the pitfalls and consequences that come from living outside of Jesus’ teaching. That’s what “judging” is all about.


Instructions, principles and standards in biblical judging
Matthew 7:6-16
1 Corinthians 5:9-10
Galatians 1:8-9
2 Thessalonians 3:14-15
1 John 2:3-5

There is truth
2 Timothy 3:16-17
John 14:6
John 17:17
Titus 1:2
2 Peter 1:20-21

Sin is sin
1 John 3:4
James 1:13-15
Colossians 3:5-10
Romans 2:12

There are some that we’re supposed to judge
John 7:15-16
Matthew 7:15-27
Galatians 1:6-9
1 John 4:1-3
Matthew 18:15-17
1 Corinthians 5:3-5

There are some we aren’t supposed to judge
1 Corinthians 5:9-10
1 Corinthians 5:12-13
Deal with your own stuff first
Matthew 7:4-5
1 Timothy 4:11-15

Judge the way you want to be judged
Matthew 7:1-2
Romans 2:1
Luke 10:27

Don’t judge if God hasn’t spoken clearly about it
Romans 14:1
1 Corinthians 11:17-22 (this is an example of where Paul is chastising these Christians because they are letting stuff that they shouldn’t argue about divide them. In 19 he is being sarcastic in saying that of course there are things that they are disagreeing about because they have to have something to argue about and feel superior over each other. Yep, even in the first century the church was full of people who made mistakes…just like today )

Judge with grace
Galatians 6:1-2
Matthew 22:36-40
Titus 3:3-5

my significance.

If I have gained just one ounce of significance today it would be the complete understanding of just how insignificant I actually am. I caught myself having a one-way conversation with a friend of mine about how I have the tendency to over book myself; thinking I can somehow do so much more than the combination of time and my abilities naturally allow. I mean, who do I think I am?

I intentionally plan on doing far more than I know could realistically be done because in some odd way it pushes me to do more than my abilities would have allowed if I just settled to plan on doing much less. Isn’t that what the rest of the world is doing? Isn’t that how dreams become the past and bigger ones come about? It has driven me to a point in my life where I have no idea what I would do with free time if I had it; and in the rare occasion I do, I drown in an unwanted and slightly psychotic amount of guilt for choosing not to do something productive with it.

Then, I begin a whole new debate in my mind about what true productivity is. What would be more productive to you? Spending time with family or friends? Spending time with friends or spending the night doing nothing but relaxing to take a break from an over booked day and actually breathe? Spending time with old friends or attending a bible study hosted by a member of the college ministry you are the director of? Going for a run with your much loved but often neglected dog or catching up on house cleaning? House cleaning or grocery shopping? Who needs groceries anyway? I could just quit eating. Then, I wouldn’t have to buy groceries OR run as much. Yes! Free time at last…

Time becomes shorter and shorter by the minute and I don’t know about you but I don’t want mine slipping through my fingers without using it to make some kind of GLOBAL impact.

Where did this come from? What was it that happened in my life that allowed or possibly caused my ambitions to become greater than what I could ever handle the thought of? Much less the pursuit of. It doesn’t mean anything to totally commit yourself to a life you don’t even remember the reason for anymore.

Whoa. Reason for my life? Who knows? Of all the things we all dig reasoning for, life is one we should quit. As sure as some may feel they’ve got all the answers… The bottom line, nobody knows. And when I sometimes think I have it all figured out, I realize in that very moment that I am more lost and confused than ever before.

The truth is, I am far smaller and insignificant to this world than I will ever allow myself to see, because of the One that Lives through me. It is only because of Jesus Christ that the whole world appears so tangible to me.

He created the Universe! He rose from the dead! He saved me from my sin, and it is only by His abundant GRACE that all the awful things I’ve done and continue to do are justified! They are justified by grace through my faith in Him!  He is the Truth and the Truth sets me free! I am free! I am free indeed. This freedom is who I am and it stretches my significance to the edges of eternity.

Be Free.


Some Thoughts on Truth and Congruence

“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” 

- Gloria Steinem

I’ve been getting more and more truthful for some years now. I find that lack of truth is the strongest and most prevalent stressor in my life, maybe the only one, I’m not sure.

“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”  

- Mark Twain

Marvin, my ex-husband, had a rule. He said keeping track of what he could say and what he could not say was just too hard. Therefore, he advised people not to tell him anything he could not repeat. I respected that about him. We both had a similar experience of and desire for honesty and truth. I think it’s the strongest part of our bond, and it remains until this day.

I’ve been working on bringing some congruence to some of my relationships and choices.

I found that I was working too hard in some friendships that weren’t giving anything back. But in the process, my penchant for truth-telling came up – the how and when of it, not to mention the whether. I literally wrote a couple of girlfriends and asked “are we friends?” I couldn’t figure it out. They didn’t call, didn’t invite me over, never saw me unless Iooked for them. There were reasons for this, too. I once spoke a truth about one of them that she considers to have caused her much stress. And given that to do over, I would not.

Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred.  It does not pardon sins and make them real.  It sees there was no sin.  And in that view are all your sins forgiven.  What is sin, except a false idea about Truth?

- Helen Schucman

She doesn’t really know how to forgive, but she keeps calling me lately, not even sure why she is doing so, even asking me whether there is any reason she may be calling.

Finally, I used Marvin’s rule. I told her, “Look, if you’re worried about what I may say to others, don’t tell me.”  I put the ball back in her court. It’s not up to me to police my words for her comfort or sense of safety and security.

Now I can rest about it.

What she does with that is up to her. I am out of her business. I am not constantly trying to figure out what she does and does not want me to say. And I should mention that she *has* told me some things that she asked me not to repeat, and I have not, ever, not to anyone, not even her closest friend who I am pretty sure knows more than I do about her preferences.

Truth is really important to me – I’m pretty sure it is the most important thing there is for me.

Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.
- Henri Frederic Amiel

I once kept a truth to myself that I would suggest *anyone* tell rather than keep to themselves. I did not tell anyone I was having sex with my father. It was true. And now, I’d rather speak the truth and let chips fall where they  may, rather than withhold something true.


Still,  I don’t need to be losing friends over saying something that bothers them, either. I tried the 12 Step thing about “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?”  That doesn’t work for me. I think sometimes unkind things are useful. And how the hell would I know what is necessary? Don’t ge me trying to run the universe. I don’t have the brain cells for it. Or, maybe I do, and we are them, but nevermind. That’s a whole discussion on consciousness that doesn’t really fit here.

Katie’s question works really well here, “Whose business am I in when I think that thought?”

The other piece that surfaced (again) this weekend was how I say things as if I am right and the other person is just wrong. I can see how off-putting that has been to some people. And it feels patently false to me to say “In my opinion.” I don’t consider some of this to be opinion at all.

How-some-ever, I can say, “as far as I know…” 

Lord (whoever that is – a case in point) knows that I’ve found that some things I used to be dead certain of are not remotely true (astrology, numerology, feng shui, Louise Hay’s body correlations, reincarnation, the existence of a god,  to name a few).

So, as far as I know, that’s true.

Love, Ann

We know the truth, not only by the reason, but by the heart.
Blaise Pascal


“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” 

 - George Orwell

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day Forty-One: Listen to Another Voice

My definition of beauty used to be very different. Through the eyes of a child, I thought that everyone was beautiful. When I looked into the mirror, I did not sigh in defeat. The reflection was beautiful…until someone came along to tell me otherwise. 

For most of us, our definition of beauty originated in the words of someone else. Someone, at some point in time, told us what it means to be beautiful…and we listened to them. We listened to the definition, and then we took it a step further. 

We lived it.

Instead of blowing off their opinion, we took their meaning of beautiful to heart and ran with it. We ran with it through elementary school. We sprinted with it through high school. We drive with it when our lives cross the interstate into “adulthood”. One person’s words changed the way we not only think; it changed the way we live. 

Who taught you what beautiful means? Did you learn it in the halls of middle school as all the girls vied for attention? Did you learn it from your family in the safety of your home? Did you learn from the billboard situated on the road you drive by everyday? Where did you learn it? Who’s voice are you listening to? Why are you listening to it? 

One more question: Does that voice speak truth? 

In John 8:32 Jesus spells out truth in big, red letters: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Truth. In a world that says “truth is relative”, what is Truth?

This question has been asked since ancient times. Before Jesus’ death on the cross, Pilate put the question of our souls into words: “What is truth?” (John 18:38) 

Pilate didn’t get it. He didn’t get that Truth stood right before his eyes. He didn’t get that he was literally putting truth to death. He understand that the words Jesus spoke before he even voiced his question were truth. No, Pilate didn’t get it. 

Do you get it? Do I get it? 


Sometimes I do listen to Truth’s voice. Sometimes I believe that I am perfectly made. Sometimes I believe that the mirror does not hold my identity within the glass. 

But sometimes I don’t . Sometimes I look at the cover of a magazine and listen to another’s voice. Sometimes I let someone else’s definition of truth negate mine. 

Not today, though. 

Today is a day to challenge the voice that has held prestige all these years. Today is the day you mute her voice in order to turn up the volume on Truth. Today is the day you search for a new definition of beauty and listen to a different voice. 

Who’s voice are you listening to today? I’m listening to a different one…one who speaks Truth. 

Verse: “…In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” (John 8:37)- Jesus’ response to our heart’s question

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jewelry Fair 2009 Part 3 - Mandala

A new find for me, beautifully crafted jewellery with a very modern touch

Luck Necklace in Brown

A slightly closer view

Pearl Rain set in Pink

Dress up or dress down


All jewellery from Mandala at Jewelry Fair 2009, booth 32 Summer

Skin: April series from Curio

Hair: Pearl Rain photos – Genie in seaspray from Truth

Hair for Luck: Sunday by Miel @ The Deck

Friday, September 18, 2009

Does Obama Trample Truth?

I think Obama plays Truth like a shell game. Charles Krauthammer asks , “Does He lie?”

Krauthammer thinks Obama’s too slick for a simple, out and out, lie:

Obama doesn’t lie. He merely elides, gliding from one dubious assertion to another. This has been the story throughout his whole health care crusade. Its original premise was that our current financial crisis was rooted in neglect of three things — energy, education and health care. That transparent attempt to exploit Emanuel’s Law — a crisis is a terrible thing to waste — failed for health care because no one is stupid enough to believe that the 2008 financial collapse was caused by a lack of universal health care.

So on to the next gambit: selling health care reform as a cure for the deficit. When that was exploded by the Congressional Budget Office’s demonstration of staggering Obamacare deficits, Obama tried a new tack: selling his plan as revenue-neutral insurance reform — until the revenue neutrality is exposed as phony future cuts and chimerical waste and fraud.

Obama doesn’t lie. He implies, he misdirects, he misleads — so fluidly and incessantly that he risks transmuting eloquence into mere slickness.

Slickness wasn’t fatal to “Slick Willie” Clinton because he possessed a winning, near irresistible charm. Obama’s persona is more cool, distant, imperial. The charming scoundrel can get away with endless deception; the righteous redeemer cannot.

Read it all here.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 Personal Pressing Questions

Here’s my top 10 most pressing questions in life.

  1. Can you be satisfied and functional AND integrate the idea that there is no universal meaning?
  2. Is ignorance bliss?
  3. How long will it take for us to give up on free will?  will we ever do that?
  4. Will technology take over for athletic skill in all sports? if it does, will we enjoy it all the same?
  5. What’s the next big thing after the Internet?  will we recognize it when it happens?
  6. If there is a formal limit to knowledge, is there a point in knowing anything at all?  see question. 2
  7. why do people assume “intelligence” in the human sense is a better strategy?  the dinosaurs survived hundreds of millions of years without this “intelligence”.  or did they?
  8. If the universe expands to the point where observers on earth cannot observe any other object in the universe that isn’t on earth or near to it, will observers consider our scientific theories myth?  or will we beat that unobservable future with technology?
  9. Can you have thoughts without language (verbal or other symbolism)?
  10. What is time? no, really.  what is it?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

27th & Huntington

There’s an apartment

somewhere in Chicago

        it’s quiet now.

But once, in the springtime

it was full

of suitcases

              And love.


I never really belonged there.

I was always

going home.

But of all the addresses

I’ve known in my life,

I can only say

I truly lived in two rooms

for a season

                 in the springtime

                                    in the Windy City

                                               A long, long time ago.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

leaf or roots...

…. So  i been here in this situation more then once … and each and every time it hurts like hell… but what can i do, when i see no other way out but to think straight.. they are just leafs in my tree (my life)… the roots? well those roots i believe i found them… coz no matter what .. those i call roots are sticked  to me like glue.  NO MATTER what , i was never alone … if i ever felt alone was coz of my silliness… but still one of them was there to cheer me up, give me their hand and get back up .. not facing the ground to much … im happy for that.. and i willkeep them close … they are my roots.. About those i thought they would NEVER hurt , never be just ..leafs.. well i pray they find the true meaning of love.. friendship.. everlasting.. about what is a leaf and what is a root.. i did my best for them… at least i tryed..But i will never stop tryin to do the best i can for those i call friends… in the end every leaf in autumn cold season falls off…

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (5)It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (6)Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (7)It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”(1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

so heres one thing that makes me think, that makes me laugh (at seeing it/hearing it) that makes me realise the truth in these words.. read or watch the video …. as u want hope it works for u too, it does for me:

“it’s ok to sit around, be depressed for a minute, cry about it, do what you have to, but don’t stay there too long. get up and go on with your life. this is what i’ve learned – if someone wants to walk out of your life, let them go. especially if you know you’ve done everything you could do, been the best woman you could be and they still want to go… let them go. whatever they’re running after, they’ll see what they had after a minute, but it’ll be too late. you’ll sit there and cry about it, but just think, in two or three years, you won’t even remember their last name.

how many times have you seen people and been like “what the hell was i thinking?? i must have been lonely as hell to hook up with you.” just let folks go.

some people come into your life for a lifetime and some come for a season. you have to know which is which. and you’re going to always mess up when you mix seasonal people up with lifetime expectations.

i know some who have married people they were only supposed to be with for a season, and they wonder why they’re having so much hell in their lives. that was a person who was supposed to come and teach you one thing. you didn’t know it so you fell in love, and now you wonder why you don’t have peace anywhere you go. i put everyone who comes into my life in a category of a tree.

some people are like leaves on a tree – when the wind blows, they’re over here, unstable. when it blows the other way, they move with it. seasons change, they whither and die. it’s ok, though. most people in the world are like that. they’re just there to take from the tree and give shade every now and then. that’s all they can do.

but don’t get mad at people like that. it’s just who they are, what they were put on this earth to do. some people are like branches on a tree. you have to be careful with the branches, too because they can fool you. they’ll make you think they’re a good friend and real strong but the minute you step out on them, they’ll break and leave you high and dry. but if you find two or three people in your life that are like the roots at the bottom of the tree, you are blessed. those are the kind of people that aren’t going anywhere. when you get some roots you have to hold on to them but as far as the others – just let them go. let folks go.

and nobody said it’ll be easy, but it will get easy when you learn to love yourself. when you get to a point in your life where you look at people and say “ok, wait a minute, you or me?” you will make a decision. i’ve never thrown anyone away, never told anyone to stop talking to me. what i do is say “ok, look, this thing you’re doing is causing a problem. you need to fix it because if we’re going to be friends and you don’t, we’re going to have an issue.” if you see someone fix it or even try to fix it, that’s someone who cares. keep those people around. that’s a leaf that’s trying to grow up and be something else. but if you’re telling someone that what they’re doing is hurting you and they keep doing it, they don’t really care. move on. let them go. no matter how much it hurts, let them go. and it’ll get easier. every day it’ll get easier, but you just have to make it through.”

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Warning To All Preachers Of Grace

Charles Finney once said, “Many professing Christians are pleased if their minister adopts a low standard and is ready to hope that almost everybody is a Christian. It is easy to see why they are pleased with such an exhibition of Christianity – it serves their main plan and helps them maintain what they call a ‘comfortable hope’, although they do so little for God. Opposite them is the man whose main plan is to rid the world of sin. He wants all men to be holy and wants to have the true standard of holiness held up. He wants all men to be saved, but knows they cannot unless they are truly holy. A godly man would just as soon think of Satan’s going to heaven as getting a man there by cheapening the Bible standard of holiness.”

The following is intended for those who, in the name of “grace”, dare to twist God’s Word by cheapening the bible standard of Holiness into damnable lectures that cannot conform its audience into the image of Christ.

A Warning To All Preachers Of Grace

The Bible accurately portrays the last days in 2 Timothy 3:1-5: “You must understand this: In the last days there will be violent periods of time. People will be selfish and love money…They will love pleasure rather than God. They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power change them. Stay away from such people.” God’s Word Translation

While undoubtedly we are in the days just before the Blessed Hope, the return of our Lord Jesus, we are in perilous times as well; for there are ministers among us as identified in Jude: (1) “Some people have slipped in among you unnoticed…They use God’s kindness as an excuse for sexual freedom and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” God’s Word Translation

With these sobering verses in mind the following are warranted: Do you preacher pride yourself in the Grace of God? Do you have it on the name of your place of worship? Have you continuously exulted in the Goodness of God? Have you magnified only His Love to sinners?

“Why yes”, you say, “and what is the tone with these questions?” “What contradiction do you mean by raising such inquires?”

Have you comforted your gatherers with words of ease, so as to carefully remove all fear of a Holy God? Have you spoken of God’s Grace as that wonderful unimaginable virtue that routinely forgives without the offering of repentance? Do you label “disciple” that which does not obey God’s commands? Do you herald a Grace that does not challenge? Does your gospel omit remorse for the sins of the seeker before acceptance from Almighty God?

“But I have never said such things!” you falsely retort.

You have by your indifference to that which is Holy and by your love of pleasure spoken more noisily than vocabulary could ever convey that you hate God. You have made yourself an enemy by becoming a friend of that which is unclean. You have labeled Christian that which knows not Christ. You have excused as “carnal” that which is worldly, of the devil, and yet unconverted.

Do you remain occupied with your busyness and hobbies; while your sheep are devoured for lack of truth? You will no doubt join them for “those who teach will receive the stricter judgment” (2).

If you preach the acceptance of sinful enjoyments even if “in moderation” and if you have taught approval of worldly amusements even in the smallest degree, then you, according to God’s Word, are a “godless man” (3) and “your destruction is not sleeping” (4). You have subtly twisted God’s grace, His life-transforming power, into a permit for depravity.

You are not the solution in the perilous times we now live. You are the catalyst. You oppose the true Grace of God delivered through Jesus and the Holy Apostles. You make converts “twice the child of hell” (5) as you are.

Titus 2:11-12 “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age.” New International Version

If the Grace you preach fails to instruct men everywhere to come out (6), be separate (7), be holy (8), be transformed (9) and touch no unclean thing before a Righteous Judge, then these indictments against you are valid.

Repent of this “other gospel” (10) and perhaps (11) the Lord will have mercy on you.

To you who genuinely desire Truth in the “inwards parts” this note will be found compelling and challenging; while you whom this admonition faithfully portrays will regard it as but flatulence in the wind as you hasten back to your vomit (12).

Note 1 – Jude 1:4

Note 2 – James 3:1

Note 3 – Jude 1:4

Note 4 – II Peter 2:1-3

Note 5 – Matt 23:15

Note 6 – Jeremiah 51:45; Isaiah 52:11; II Corinthians 6:17

Note 7 – II Corinthians 6:17

Note 8 – Isaiah 52:11; I Corinthians 1:2; Hebrews 12:14; I Peter 1:15

Note 9 – Romans 12:1-2

Note 10 – Galatians 1:8-9

Note 11 – Acts 8:22

Note 12 – Proverbs 26:11; II Peter 2:20-22

Sunday, September 13, 2009

*BOOM* What every wardrobe needs!

This weekend, I released some stuff that was “inspired” by clothing I like in real life.   

First off was the new *BOOM* Seaman Pants.  I was a military brat and always really dug sailor pants, especially the kind with a straight leg with the flared bottoms.  To this day, I love finding the jeans a little too big so I can alter them and wear them really low on my hips.  I never found any pants like that in SL so I decided I had to make them for myself  (maybe I just wasn’t looking in the right places).

These vintage sailor inspired pants come in 4 different colours, with a low rise waistline to add some sexy to the look.  Comes in both pant and underpant layers to mix and match with anything as well as sculpted pant legs.

I also released some cardigans. A little bit boleroish but cardigans are also something I wear often in RL.  I hate how the really light knit ones never lay the way I want them to if you don’t button them.  Then, when you button them, the top stretches like your boobs are about to pop out.  Then again, that’s sometimes part of the fun.  If I am gonna wear a buttoned cardi in SL, I figure, why not go for some typical popping buttons?

This sexy little top comes in a  total if 18 different colours and of course in all layers.  Show off just enough clevage with the low cut neckline.  Pulled buttons to add more of a realistic touch to the knit cardi.  They include sculpted sleeves that are optional and look great paired with pants, shorts or over the top of dresses.

And, coordinating accessories (only released at main store) created exclusivley for the *BOOM* by [Skream] for the *BOOM* Wrong Size Cardi and *BOOM* Seaman Pants.

Show off a sexy belly with the the Ms. Diva belly piercing, which was made to enhance the sexy low cut of the *BOOM* Seaman Pants.

Lastly, to accessorise the cardigan, check out the *BOOM*/[Skream] Bloom Necklace and Earrings.  Come in 8 different coordinating colour combinations!


Credits: (coming soon!)


Skin: &Bean – Lake Betty Tan

Hair: *barberyumyum*18/black

Pants: *BOOM* Seaman Pants dungaree

Shoes: Miel Janes


Photo 2:

Skin: Laq -Ginger-

Hair: Truth -Claire

Top: *BOOM* Wrong Size Cardi black

Necklace: Malt


Photo 3:

Skin: [LeLutka]-LondonRevolutionTan-makeup5b

Pants: *BOOM* Seaman Pants chia pet

Piercing: *BOOM*/[Skream] Ms. Diva


Photo 4:

Skin:  [LeLutka]-LondonRevolutionTan-makeup5b

Hair: Lelutka

Top: *BOOM* Wrong Size Cardi army

Earrings: *BOOM* Bloom Earrings

Necklace: *BOOM* Bloom Necklace

Bracelet:  [Skream]

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 11, 2009

Another September 11 has come and gone. As I wrote the date yesterday, it suddenly hit me what day it was–and what the significance was! September 11 was the day that terrorist attacks became more than just international news; they became part of the American experience.

The thing about terrorist attacks is that they are unreachable and indefatigable. Difficult to pin down, they exhaust you and make you start to wonder if there are other ways to obtain peace. Because that’s what you want–you didn’t want to pick the fight with them; they lashed out at you while you were busy living and letting them live. And as you start wracking your brain for other alternatives, as you try to make sense out of what happened, you start to see their point of view a little more, start to grasp their motives a little better. And then it’s easy for things to become more and more twisted from the effort of trying to make sense out of it all. And then you begin to accept the blame little by little for what happened, hoping that if you come half-way, if you accept your part of the blame, they will admit their part and meet you in the middle. After all, isn’t that how peace comes in normal relationships?

But terrorism is not a normal relationship. And the terrorists are not interested in making peace. They are not going to admit they were wrong. They are not the ones that want peace–you are.

Somewhere along the line we have to realize what forgiving others really means. Forgiveness stems from a recognition of the wrong that has been done to us, not from rationalizing the behavior. Forgiveness has to be firmly grounded in truth. Sometimes the truth may include the fact that the person who wronged us did so unintentionally, but it cannot ignore the wrong! Nor can it ignore the fact that there is a price to be paid for what was done to us. Instinctively we know that the price must be paid, and that’s how we get things twisted–when the other person refuses to acknowledge his wrong, we begin to wonder if perhaps we deserved it all along and then start to think that we are simply paying for our wrongs ourselves. That mindset bears only a small resemblance to the truth and it stops us from truly forgiving and moving on. Instead it makes us a slave to the one that has hurt us and now holds power over us.

It works that way with bullies on playgrounds. Why would it be any different between nations and people groups?


Friday, September 11, 2009

Here's A Little Pain Medicine! For REAL !

Psalm One

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth, forth his fruit and his season, his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so; but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the lord knoweth the way of the righteous; but the ungodly shall perish.

Psalm Forty Two

As the hart paneth after the water brooks, so paneth my soul after thee, O God. My soul thirsted for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been meat day and night, while they continually say unto me. Where is thy God? When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me; for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise with a multitude that kept holyday. Why are thy cast down O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? Hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for help of his countenance. O my God, my soul is cast down within me therefore will I remember thee from the land of Jordan and of the Hermonites from the hill Mizar.*(see footnote) Deep calleth unto the deep at the noise of thy waterspouts; all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. Yes the lord command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me and my prayer unto the God of my life. I will say unto God my rock why hast thou forgotten me? Why go I mourn because of the oppression of the enemy? As with a sword in my bones mine enemies reproach me while they say daily unto me, where is thy God? Why are thou cast down, o my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance.

Joshua One and Eight

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin for then thou make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success.

Jeremiah Twenty Nine and Eleven

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end.

Philippians One and Five

Let this mind be in which was also in Christ Jesus.

Isaiah Forty and Thirty One

But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah Forty And Ten

Behold the lord God will Come with strong hand and his arm shall rule for him,behold his reward is with him,and his work before him.

Deuteronomy Thirty One and Six

Be strong and of a good courage fear not,nor be afraid of them;for the Lord thy God he it is that doth go with thee,he will not fail nor forsake thee.

Psalm Forty One And One

Blessed is he that considerth the poor;the lord will deliver him in time of trouble.

Psalm Sixty Two And One

Truly my soul waiteth upon God from him cometh my salvation.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

NSFW - Adventures in Nakedness

Lizzie, my friends, is now officially free of her never nudeness YAY.   As a matter of fact she has been spending a lot of time on the grid in all forms of nakedness lately in a variety of shopping sims!  And no she is not trolling for a “hook up”, she just simply wants to feel free I guess haha.  In reality though the inspiration behind this need to naked has three parts:

  1. Her new skin from Tyranny Skins and Designs
  2. The fact that her other half, Elizabeth Hallstrom, was actually booted the other night from a sex sim for NOT getting naked, YAY!
  3. I am addicted to creating photo series, ha! (Yes first person here and I like writing in 3rd person and I don’t care if you think its creepy, you guys are just jealous that you can’t pull of 3rd person haha).  You see it is my goal in life to be the most famous person ever on Flickr.  Keep in mind I really am an attention whore.   And yes, I have really lofty goals.

Anyway for Lizzie, Ms. Hallstrom, and the real life Lizzie her life and her blog are changing.  As each day go by she finds that what she loves to do in SL is photography.  So to keep the momentum going she has decided to keep emoness to a minimum and be all about fun, fun, fun.  And honestly there is something freeing and very fun about porting into a store in second life, a busy store as an added bonus, and stripping down to your birthday suit to the shock and horror of the crowd surrounding you, haha.  Like NOT getting naked at a sex sim is something you are not supposed to do! Well actually at some spots Lizzie did find a bit more quiet place to snap pics because of the lighting or scenery but for the most part it was done right at the main entrance.  And of course is this technically a fashion blog so to keep it fashiony I will post the fashion details (minimal as they are, LOL) if anyone is interested.   Also since Lizzie is a HUGE Beatles fan she has decided to use the images she has created to celebrate the lyrics of this unforgettable quartet and to celebrate the release of The Beatles Remastered Box Set.  So here we go folks, Lizzie’s latest photo series “Adventures in Nakedness!”

I once had a girl,

Or should I say

She once had me.

She showed me her room,

Isn’t it good?

Norwegian wood.

Norwegian Wood – Rubber Soul 1966

Location:   Rubik’s Music Lounge


Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,

They call me on and on across the universe,

Thoughts meander like a restless wind

Inside a letter box they

Stumble blindly as they make their way

Across the universe

Across the Universe – Let It Be 1970


Well you should see Polythene Pam

She’s so goodlooking but she looks like a man.

Well you should see her in drag.

Dressed in her polythene bag.

Yes you should see Polythene Pam – Yeh.

Polythene Pam - Abbey Road 1969


Sexy Sadie what have you done.

You made a fool of everyone.

You made a fool of everyone.

Sexy Sadie ooh what have you done.

Sexy Sadie you broke the rules.

You layed it down for all to see.

You layed it down for all to see.

Sexy Sadie oooh you broke the rules.

Sexy Sadie – The Beatles (White Album) 1968


Martha my dear though I spend my days

In conversation


Remember me Martha my love

Don’t forget me Martha my dear

Hold your head up you silly girl look what you’ve done

When you find yourself in the thick of it

Help yourself to a bit of what is all around you

Silly girl.

Martha My Dear – The Beatles (White Album) 1968


Before this dance is through,

I think I’ll love you too,

I’m so happy when you dance with me.

I don’t wanna kiss or hold your hand,

If it’s funny, try an’ understand.

There is nothing else I’d rather do,

‘Cos I’m happy just to dance with you.

I’m Happy Just to Dance with You – A Hard Day’s Night 1964

Location: E-78 Electronic Club


Dear Prudence, won’t you come out to play.

Dear Prudence, greet the brand new day.

The sun is up, the sky is blue.

It’s beautiful and so are you.

Dear Prudence – The Beatles (White Album) 1968


  • Hair:  >TRUTH< Gemma, Harlow, and Romy – pumpkin/ – Allison, Cassie in Passionate Red
  • Skin:  Tyranny Designs – .::TD::. Sweet Augustine – tone 3.2 – autumn
  • Panties:  *katat0nik* (flamingo) Animal Crackers Panties


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ideas for being a better person...

  1. Stop saying “just”. Value yourself and your experiences. You are more than ‘just a secretary’ or ‘just a student’. You are incredible and have the potential to be and do anything. Believe in yourself. You deserve it.
  2. Use adjectives sparingly (sometimes they get in the way of the truth).
  3. Understand that you don’t have to ‘do’ or ‘be’ anything. You have complete freedom and complete responsibility for your own experience. What do you want? Chase it with passion. Be relentless. Be liberated.
  4. If it feels right at the time, then it’s fine. Life is meant to be lived. There is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way to live it. But consider what you want on all three dimensions – mind, body and soul.
  5. Recognize the creative powerful being that you are and own it. Heck, you can manifest the weather!
  6. Nothing matters. Laugh.
  7. You are everything – the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly. The aim is to choose the most magnificent aspects on offer and make them a part of your reality – that is the highest choice.
  8. Learn to say “No”. “Maybe later” is not the same. You are not being respectful of yourself or others when you neglect to say “No” firmly when you mean to. Learn to say it charmingly. Learn to be comfortable with it.
  9. Speak to and treat others as equal souls, for they too are human like you.
  10. Be honest.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bianca's Got a Brand New Attitude

By Bianca

I have been in kind of a funk lately. Or maybe it’s a a rut. A funky rut? A runty funk?

Ok, this is starting to get dirty. Which is kind of awesome.


I already bored you with my Miss Learn crisis and whined about my hair issues. But what I did not do is actually try to come up with a constructive solution to my problems. Because really, what’s the fun in that? If you complain about things, people sympathize with you. Of course they are also secretly thinking about how much better their life is than yours, because they already figured out how to tame their frizz, so they can all kiss my fat ass.


I realized that I really hate when people think they have a better life than me, because not only a  I super competitive, I am clearly way better than all of you. So suck it.

Anyways (yes this is The Zaftig Chicks word of the day).

I decided that I needed to quit feeling sorry for myself, and do something about what was bothering me. Now, I am a big fat chicken, and I hate change, so it has been tough, but guys, Bianca has busted out of her comfort zone. (Sylvia did some stuff too, but this is about me, so she can suck it too).

I know you are now waiting with bated breath to hear about all the awesome things I have been up to in the last week and a half, and I certainly don’t want to keep you waiting.

Although, can someone please explain to me why those dumbass bumper stickers that say ‘Don’t let this car fool you, my treasure is in heaven’, are always stuck to the back of junkers I wouldn’t trade my toe mail clippings for? So annoying.

Anyways (what?).

I started researching some local community theaters and found a couple that have open auditions coming up. I haven’t auditioned for anything in a really long time, so the thought makes me nervous, but I am going to go.

Sylvia and I went to a “casting” for a plus size fashion show, and kicked some Zaftig ass. I put casting in parenthesis because we think it was sort of a scam, but we will talk about that later this week. The point is that we went.

Sylvia and I also (with a little help from some vino) decided to face our body fears head on and took some very interesting pictures this weekend. We will be talking more about this tomorrow.

And finally…

I cut my hair off. I didn’t go all Britney Spears crazy, and shave my head or anything, but my formally middle-of-the-back blond hair, now barely touches my shoulders, and is dark auburn. I feel like a completely different person.

So these may be baby steps, but they are awesome baby steps.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Bridging the Gap between Muslims and Christians

I found this article in the Mennonite Weekly Review, ‘Praying at the Mosque’, fascinating. It’s about a Christian who prayed at a mosque in Bethlehem twice a week for three months. He built friendships, was invited to homes, and learnt how Christian’s were viewed by those particular Muslim men. He was entirely clear that his faith was in Jesus the entire time; he didn’t seek to compromise his faith, but did respect their practice of their faith.

To me this seemed like a quiet way to build bridges, seek understanding, and genuinely share faith in Jesus. There was no loud advertising or political grandstanding, and no compromise of the Christian message. At the same time, there was genuine respect for the people at the mosque, who welcomed him back in their midst any time.

The article didn’t mention any conversions, but it could be that there was at least a change in perceptions, which maybe might lead to more peaceful relationships if it happened on a larger scale.

It was sad to read how Christians were perceived in that world – when they found the author was from Canada he was asked, ‘But you’re not going to shoot us, are you?’. Christians were seen as obsessed with sex and as being shallow in their faith.

I suspect that not all Christians could do this kind of thing with the kind of respect that would allow relationships to develop.

It’s worth reading about becauses this is a different approach to Muslims, on a smaller scale and more personal, than what we’ve seen from a couple of other Christian leaders lately. These were quite controversial, worrying some Christians that they might be watering down the Gospel or compromising on Jesus in order to reach out, whether that was actually the case or not.

Anyway, do have a read. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this gentle and friendly approach, and on the way Christians are perceived by these people.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

MCGI String of Indoctrinations Reaps another 105 Souls in South America

Pampanga, Philippines – Just a week after the brethren in South America gave thanks to God for bringing Bro. Eliseo Soriano, Presiding Minister of the Members Church of God International (MCGI), from the east to the western part of the world to preach the gospel, another 105 souls from the same continent submitted themselves to baptism and joined the brotherhood of Christians.

Last Saturday, September 5, through live video feed emanating from outside the Philippines, Vice Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon welcomed more than 200 new brethren across the globe, including the 105 Americans, during the Thanksgiving Day at the Ang Dating Daan (ADD) Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga. About a hundred were baptized in the Philippines, while others were from different countries such as Australia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

Happy to welcome the new brethren, Bro. Daniel gave thanks to God for the new fruits of Bro. Eli’s perseverance in propagating the righteousness and the word of God. “This is the work of God in us: to call those who will serve Him, to call people who will be elected in the Church, to call souls who will be worthy of His kingdom and be part of His glory which He promised us.”

A video footage of the baptism in South America was shown to the thousands in attendance in six continents monitoring through live streaming. As they were immersed in the water, recipients of the holy baptism were seen in tears, realizing how important in their lives the moment was. They were all non-Filipinos. God’s calling is being fulfilled beyond race, language and color, thus the fulfillment of Galatians 3:28.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Through the leadership of Bro. Eli, the most queried Bible scholar and host of the religious program Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path), MCGI conducts continuous indoctrinations as well as Bible expositions in different parts of the world. And this, the continuous propagation of the righteousness and the word of God, entails a lot of sacrifices, especially on the part of Bro. Eli.

“With regard to all these things that he has been doing, the propagation of the word of God and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, they are no joke. We know that we have to spend a lot of money, time and effort. We can consider it a herculean task.” Bro. Daniel said.

Bro. Daniel recounted how that a few decades ago, Bro. Eli didn’t even think nor imagine that the preaching of the gospel will ever go out of the Philippines. During Bro. Daniel’s school years until the time he worked in the broadcast industry, the Bible studies they conducted were just in nearby provinces. The small vision of covering the whole country compelled Bro. Eli to use the media.

Bro. Eli started broadcasting simultaneously in about 12 local radio stations, one in Laoag, in Baguio and in other provinces. Later on, he saw the need to widen the scope of broadcast to cover a wider audience. After simultaneously broadcasting through radio, which started in 1980, and through television in 1983, only then they were able to reach the different corners of the Philippines.

Still, Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel didn’t think that there will be events that will force Bro. Eli to go out of the country. The harassment posed by enemies of truth influential to the Philippine government culminated to imminent dangers to Bro. Eli’s life, and therefore to the congregation he leads, which signaled his supposedly temporary exile. He did not immediately see that there really is a direction that God is pointing to, where the mission of saving souls shall breathe new life. Now, it has become clearer what is spoken of in Matthew 24:14.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

“There is no big thing that God cannot do.” Bro. Daniel resolved. He noted how that in various parts of the world where Bro. Eli goes to, the reception to the righteousness and the word of God is even warmer, the expansion and increase of the brethren is much faster. Comparing the past to the present, Bro. Daniel said that when they started preaching the gospel in the Philippines, if there were 20 or 30 persons who submitted themselves to baptism in one occasion, that was already many.

But now, if there are people being baptized in different locations, even in some parts of Africa, in Papua New Guinea, and in other continents, they come in groups. Sometimes, they start from the pastor down to the members. They are able to listen and get enlightened by the teachings and righteousness of God in so many ways the congregation had never imagined before.

“We didn’t even think of these things. Now we are in a state wherein we have to intensify the more our diligence to allow the righteousness and teachings of God reach more souls, whatever their race is.”

However, hand in hand with the preaching of the gospel to other races is the growing challenge of language diversity. The problem now is not just the dialect. During the infancy of the Church of God in the Philippines, it was not that complicated because many of the brethren speak other dialects, such as Cebuano, Ilocano and Kapampangan. It was easier to go to the Visayas region, or in Baguio, or in Pampanga. But outside the Philippines, it’s a totally different case.

In the eastern part of the world, there is Japanese, Korean, and the Chinese dialects, which includes the Cantonese, Mandarin and Fukien. In the western part, there is French, Italian, German and many other languages. In America alone, there are many places to go to. The brethren in South America actually speaks Portuguese. To be able to cover all of America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia, Bro. Daniel disclosed that they are now thinking of getting more satellite services.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Angels Shower

Angels Shower

Angels shower

             Love upon us


             for Love is free

Trees they tower

             truth above us


             for truth can be

A strong power

             deep within us


             for deep are we

Fear devours

             all about us


             it kills the trees

And soon we cower

             and people fuss


             this Love could be

So on this hour

             each one of us


             we all must see

The blooming flower

             Love within us

We are Love

             and I am me

© 2009

image credit here


Friday, September 4, 2009

Folly of Man

I know we’re not saints or virgins or lunatics; we know all the lust and lavatory jokes, and most of the dirty people; we can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences. But our innocence goes awfully deep, and our discreditable secret is that we don’t know anything at all, and our horrid inner secret is that we don’t care that we don’t.

Dylan Thomas


We’re more comfortable to be sheep’s then leaders. Fight your ego’s demand of being submissive and thoughtless. Question, question, question!


You can't find God through a hardened heart

So many people try to understand God in all the wrong places. I’ve debated with many people who argue that they reject Jesus Christ because they claim certain factoids or scientific theory. They mention things like the written word, they mention historical gossip, they mention zeitgeist, they mention the personal history of apostles, they mention the history of Rome. All the while they refuse to realize that none of these will ever give them a personal relationship or closer understanding of God. The most tragic concept of it all is that some of them could gain an understanding of God, but they stubbornly just want to stay in mediocrity because it’s all they knew. Other times they simply openly reject the truth because they don’t want to let go of the world. The Holy Spirit is trying to speak to all of us, but sometimes we get caught up in meager things.

How, by understanding the deeds of mankind, do you think you can understand the love of Jesus Christ? The Lord said the distance between the thoughts of man and His thoughts are like the distance between the ground and the heavens. Even when people read the Bible more thought is put into useless things, like the Council of Nicea and the Emperor Constantine, than is put into the very thing the Bible is saying. The opponents of the Lord’s gospel are more concerned with talking about how mean it was of Moses to fight the giants of the land of Canaan. At the same time they miss out and never dare speak about the sacrifices and pain of Jesus Christ for the sake of mankind. They will call God a murderer but never ever talk of how loving it was of Jesus Christ to get tortured for their very souls!

When I read the Bible I make sure not to develop the distorted view that the opponents of that book have. The Bible is NOT hate speech as ignorant people today would like to claim. When you look at the New Testament from a birds eye view it actually the greatest love story ever told. When I read the Bible it was an accurate account of history yes, but it was also the ultimate love story of God and mankind. If you take a step back and look at the New Testament, it’s really talking of a raggedy lost woman (mankind) and this handsome prince (Jesus Christ) who comes along to save her at the risk of His own life. Yet every time I hear a militant atheist address Jesus Christ they say how murderous His teachings were. However those same people who try to slander the Lord’s name refuse to talk about the over 100 million people who were killed because of the militant atheist teachings of Stalin and Mao. Every time I hear a secularist humanist say how Jesus Christ’s ideas inspired mass murder, they usually have a Che Guevara t-shirt on; a man who advocated thermal nuclear war for the sake of revolution.

Jesus Christ NEVER killed an American Indian! Jesus Christ NEVER told a white man he couldn’t marry a black female! Jesus Christ NEVER beat up slaves in a cotton field! Jesus Christ NEVER rolled with a bunch of guys armed with baseball bats to beat up a gay guy! Jesus Christ NEVER beat up a woman with His fists! And Jesus Christ NEVER ordered someone to be stoned because they disobeyed Him! Yet why is it that these days we hear people accuse Jesus Christ of these very things?!

I’ll tell you why, it’s because they want to justify their public acts of filth in gay pride parades. They want to justify how it’s ok for men to marry other men. Feminists want to justify their war of destruction against the traditional family. Militant atheists just want to justify their reason to hate. How do you think that by openly rejecting God, that He will suddenly fall into your lap at this moment? How do you think you will comprehend the gospels and it’s lessons if you rather find your wisdom from the Da Vinci Code and theology? This is why Pharisees used to give Jesus Christ so much disrespect, because they were more concerned with tradition and laws rather than loving their fellow man. The thought they could find God through being self-righteous while all that time God the Son was right in front of their eyes.

Everyone un-stuff you ears, including other Christians who are trying to justify a wrong doing. The Holy Spirit is speaking to you now and He wants you to open yourself up seriously. Stop blocking the ears of your heart from Him. If you truly long for an understanding of God as you claim you must open your heart to Him. Stop looking to theology or logical philosophies that you only create to take your mind off of where you are really heading. Pray to the Lord right now and ask Him to turn your heart to Him. Meditate on His Word. You cannot blame God in the end if you are not let into His kingdom. He will say He already tried to reach you many times in the past.
